Digging Up The Past
Kendra, played by Millie Morgan, is making preparations for her late father Frank's burial the following day when an unfamiliar face, Myles portrayed by Parker Ambrose, appears at her doorstep. Kendra is initially cautious, but her guard shatters when Myles discloses the truth about Frank's infidelity. Frank had been having a secret relationship with Myles' parent, deceiving her with false promises of a future together. The news leaves Kendra reeling with shock and disbelief. Myles is determined to seek retribution by making a scandalous revelation at Frank's funeral. He intends to expose the sordid truth about Frank's betrayal to his entire family. Confronted with the impending disgrace, Kendra pleads desperately with Myles to maintain silence. The thought of the scandal unraveling terrifies her as it would devastate her family. Seizing the opportunity, Myles slyly suggests a tantalizing proposition to Kendra while casting an appraising gaze upon her. He hints that there might be a way to ensure his silence, leaving Kendra to grapple with a compromising decision.