The Perfect Son

The narrative begins with Jessy and Adam, a pair of 19-year-old university sweethearts, as they awkwardly sit at a dining room table. The duo, who crossed paths at their college, have been romantically involved for a handful of months and tonight, Adam has invited Jessy to his house to meet his step-mother, Mrs. Curtin. Jessy, an outspoken liberal arts scholar, stands in stark contrast to Adam, who embodies a conservative demeanor, studies economics and resides at his parental home. Despite their differences, they are in a romantic relationship and it is Jessy who has been insistent on meeting Adam's family, as she is deeply committed to him and yearns to escalate their relationship. So, beneath the table, she gives his hand a reassuring squeeze, assuring him that everything will turn out fine. As Mrs. Curtin enters the room, bearing a platter of delicacies, Adam lets go of Jessy's hand and rises to assist his mother. Mrs. Curtin, impeccably dressed, appears congenial yet delicate - there's something about her demeanor that seems somewhat frantic. As Adam dutifully lends a hand in placing the food on the table, Mrs. Curtin grins and compliments Jessy on the fine man Adam has grown into. Ever since she became a part of his life when he was a young boy, he's been like a real son to her - an ideal son. Jessy, lively and cheerful, narrates to Mrs. Curtin how she met Adam and how much she admires him. His mother smiles and pretends to be interested, but it's evident that she's overly engrossed with her son. The moment Adam attempts to return to Jessy's side, she finds some excuse to draw him back to her. It's clear Adam is aware of this and tries to alleviate the situation but, at some point, Jessy starts feeling uncomfortable. She excuses herself to the restroom. Once in solitude, Jessy shuts the bathroom door and leans against it. She gazes blankly into space... something about Adam's mother strikes her as very odd!Jessy washes her hands and takes a long look at herself in the restroom mirror before heading back to the dining room. She finds Adam sitting alone, looking anxious and disturbed. She inquires about his mother's whereabouts but, before he can provide a substantial answer, Jessy begins to openly discuss how peculiar the dinner has been. She can't fathom the overbearing and possessive nature of Mrs. Curtin, especially given that Adam is an adult. Why is she treating him this way and why does he have to be constantly available to tend to her? It must be exasperating to still reside at home; no wonder he's always so serious! As she laughs, she moves closer to Adam to kiss him when she notices that Mrs. Curtin is under the table performing oral sex on her step-son! Jessy recoils in revulsion and, after berating her boyfriend and his mother for being repugnant and repulsive, she storms out of the house. As she sprints towards her car, fumbling to unlock the door, Adam follows her, pleading for her to stop and hear him out. He can explain everything. It's not what it seems. It's not infidelity and he doesn't interpret it as sex... not quite... he just has to cater to his mother in this manner. When Jessy labels him a deviant, he reminds her that Mrs. Curtin isn't his actual blood relative... she's just been his mother for the majority of his life. His father was brutally abusive and made their lives unbearable so, ever since they separated, Adam has had to step in and look after her. Mrs. Curtin is emotionally unstable and will descend into anxiety attacks if he doesn't occasionally indulge her, especially when she feels threatened. It may seem unconventional but it's just how his family operates now. As Jessy weeps and struggles to comprehend how her boyfriend could conceal such a secret, Adam continues to reassure her. 'I assure you I don't perceive it as sex,' he tells her. 'I just regard it as being a dutiful son. I'm aiding her in maintaining her calm. Nothing else has ever been effective. Please, don't reject me because of this. I love you and I want to be with you. I swear!' Jessy questions if he will stop. Adam tells her he aspires to stop and that's why he invited her over... she is the first girl he's ever brought home. He pleads with her to just come inside and, together, they can explain to his mother how much they are in love and, surely, she will comprehend that it's time to let him go. The rattled Jessy eventually concurs and follows him back