Fall Down Dad

The scene begins with eggs cracking into a pan of sizzling bacon. As the eggs hiss, the camera pans out to reveal a petite 18-year-old girl named Andi, busily preparing breakfast in the kitchen. She's slight and shy, anxiously flipping the eggs and buttering toast, all the while keeping a wary eye on the door. The atmosphere is thick and quiet until a kitchen timer rings, causing her to jump. Simultaneously, a door swings open and her unkempt, slobbish step-father, Fred, stumbles into the kitchen, barking for his food. Andi quickly submits and begins to plate his meal. The tension between them is palpable. Fred leers at his step-daughter, before sinking into his chair, waiting for his breakfast. He crudely comments on his arousal, suggesting that she might be more satisfying than her mother was. As he talks, his breath catches between his vulgar remarks. The more he torments her, the more she attempts to block him out, which only seems to provoke him further. His crude comments turn into allegations about her clothing choices and disrespect. Under her breath, Andi retorts that he isn't her real father. Hearing this, Fred's rage explodes. He forcefully informs her that since her father abandoned her and her mother passed away, he's now in charge. If she wants her inheritance, she'll need to respect him. The two lock eyes in a chilling silence before Andi weakly agrees, calling him 'daddy'. Fred smirks and starts to eat his breakfast, but quickly spits it out, complaining about the quality of the food. He stumbles out of the room, leaving Andi to stare at the plate and contemplate a need for change.Later that day, Andi is folding her step-father's laundry when he calls her to the bathroom for his shave, a task he always insists she perform. As he settles into a chair, his stomach protruding and face lathered in shaving cream, she picks up the razor. His neck is fully exposed, and she stares at it, while he continues to make crude remarks. The more distasteful he becomes, the tighter her grip on the razor. Eventually, he dismisses her and leaves, instructing her to finish her chores. She remains, clutching the razor and watching him.That evening, Andi takes out the trash and is noticed by a neighbor from down the road. They used to spend a lot of time together, but since Andi's mother passed away, they've grown apart. The neighbor checks in on Andi and tries to engage her in conversation, encouraging her to sit and talk for a while. Andi opens up about the ongoing issues with her step-father, his crude behavior, and how he treats her like a possession. But, her mother left him in charge, and he now controls the family's finances. So, she feels trapped. The neighbor, attempting to lighten the mood, comments on Fred's unhealthy lifestyle, suggesting he might not be around much longer. As Andi gives a weak laugh, Fred calls for her from inside the house. The neighbor offers for Andi to stay with her, but Andi declines, saying she'll be fine. She hurriedly goes inside. Upon entering, Fred interrogates her about who she was talking to and insists that she informs him whenever she plans to leave the house. She agrees, just to placate him. Fred starts to leer at her again, following her around the house until he corners her and instructs her to prepare his bed while wearing the revealing nightie he bought for her. Andi closes her eyes and nods in agreement.The petite teen enters her step-father's bedroom in the revealing nightie and approaches his bed. Scattered across the bed are a porn magazine, tissues, lube, a soiled sock, and a bottle of sildenafil. Andi picks up each item with disgust, hating this nightly ritual of his loud self-pleasure. She recalls all the crude comments he's made and looks at herself, barely clothed in the outfit he insists she wears. She hears his coughing from the next room and listens to each labored breath. She agrees with her neighbor; he's nothing more than a slovenly pig. Perhaps there's something she can do to stop him. A cunning smile crosses her face as she calls out to Fred to enter the room.