The Countdown

The scene commences with a 19-year-old female, Nora, sprawled on the floor of a barren cell. She is clad in casual attire: a strappy top and a skirt. From her viewpoint, we discern the voice of an older male instructing her to rise. As she regains consciousness, she opens her eyes to see a man, Alan, visibly older than her, in his mid 30s, garbed in dull office wear (mathematics educator). 'Are you alright?' He inquires. She shrieks and attempts to escape him. The man also recoils in fright and retreats to his corner. 'I don't intend to harm you, I'm trapped here like you!' Nora utters a gasp and surveys the cell, pacing anxiously. 'It's futile,' Alan communicates, nervously. 'I've attempted.' 'Where are we?' Nora questions. 'I'm not sure! I suspect we've been... abducted!' Amid her screams and struggles, Nora spots a surveillance camera in the corner of the cell, close to the ceiling. She bellows at it 'RELEASE US!' Alan, still shocked in his corner of the cell, says 'I've been here almost an entire day, they haven't communicated. I think they brought you in while I was sleeping.' Nora slumps down, cradling her head in her hands. 'What do they want from us?' Alan answers 'I'm not sure... all I know is that we're under surveillance .... and... there's...that!' He gestured towards the '4th wall.' From the wall's perspective, Nora stands and slowly approaches the camera. A reverse shot presents a large digital clock reading '23:55:04' and ticking down. CUT TO TITLE PLATE CU of the clock: 19:59:39 and ticking down. Underneath the clock are 5 unlit LED lights. Nora is huddled in a corner of the cell, rubbing her arms for warmth. Alan is resting in the opposite corner. As her shivering intensifies, Alan rises. 'It's almost been 48 hours, look at your condition... you're freezing! I ensured you I won't harm you. Come and sit beside me, I'll warm you up.' 'No thank you' she responds. Alan rises and removes his dress shirt, leaving him in an undershirt. He approaches Nora 'At least take this, I can't bear to watch you suffer like this!' She is obviously hesitant but allows the man to approach her. As he drapes his shirt around her shoulder, he kneels and says 'Here, at least you won't freeze to death!' He places his hand on her folded leg. As soon as their skin makes contact, all lights go out, and a mechanical noise is heard. When the lights come back on, two blankets and a whole chicken are on the floor. Initially, both fear the noise, but then notice the blankets and food. They both pounce on it. They wrap themselves in the blankets and start devouring the food like famished animals, each in their corners. The camera slowly pans towards the countdown on the wall. 19:57:22. Abrupt cut to the empty chicken bones on the floor. We can hear their stomachs rumbling. Both detainees are sitting in their corners. Nora speaks 'So... do you think at the end of this countdown they will release us?' As she points to the clock, it now shows 37:13:45. 'I'm not sure,' says Alan, rubbing his wedding ring. 'I'm... I'm Nora by the way.' 'Alan.' A silent moment. Nora adds 'And... what were you doing before... you know.' 'I was heading home from class... I... I teach math at Northwestern, and I'. Before he finishes, Nora interrupts him 'I used to attend there.' She tells him how she used to attend college to become a lawyer but dropped out when she turned 19 because she wanted to pursue painting. He tells her how he was in a promising band in college but was coerced into taking a stable job by his then-girlfriend. They share a look that says 'We are different but we are the same', followed by an awkward moment. 'Good night Alan' she says, before turning away in the blanket. 18:29:56 Nora is pacing the room as Alan is sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth rubbing his wedding ring. 'My wife must be panicking.' 'You're married?' 'Yes, for nearly 10 years now. And now she must be alone, pregnant and frightened.' 'Pregnant?' Nora asks. Alan starts to sob. He explains how his college girlfriend urged him to take a job because she was pregnant at the time. They got married and had the baby who