A Study In Gaping

SCENE COMMENCES in a scholarly setting, an antiquated, luxurious university office. Professor Claremont (Mick Blue) is standing by an embellished window, gazing out, deep in thought at the institute's campus. On the other side of the room, his teaching aide Annabelle (Adriana Chechik) is perched on the visitor's sofa, uneasy and fidgety in the uneasy quiet. The only sound disrupting the silence is the ticking of the ornamental clock on his desk. Eventually, Annabelle shatters the silence -- 'umm, you were in the middle of saying something, professor?' Professor Claremont awakens from his daydream, turning to address her. Ah, yes, my apologies, he mutters. His mind had taken him on an unexpected journey, he jests. The professor comes across as an eccentric yet endearing figure, akin to a man from a bygone era. Annabelle appears accustomed to his peculiar demeanor, even slightly captivated by it. He suggests that they have accomplished enough for the day and dismisses her. But as she's about to leave, he beckons her back to discuss a new biology project that he's been working on. He has faith in her, akin to the trust he placed in her sister, who he mentored years before. Annabelle is flattered but attempts to downplay her emotions. He continues, suggesting that the project would stir controversy but holds immense intrigue for him, both professionally and personally. She urges him to elaborate, but before he proceeds, he takes a seat next to her on the sofa, adopting a grave tone. He implores her to swear not to disclose the forthcoming information to anyone. He reiterates the contentious nature of the subject, which could potentially jeopardize his career if it were to be discovered. Annabelle appears taken aback but assures him that she will remain silent. 'Excellent!' he responds, reverting back to a more jovial tone. He lightly taps her knee with his hand in an innocent gesture. 'Now then, tell me - what do you know about 'gaping'?' CUT TO TITLE PLATE Annabelle tries to subtly distance herself from the professor, shifting from the sofa to the desk. Gaping, she queries in disbelief, you mean in a sexual context? Precisely, he confirms. He enlightens her about his fascination... purely from an anatomical perspective, he clarifies. He comments on how human sexuality is predominantly driven by an attraction to external body features -- breasts, legs, buttocks. However, those interested in gaping are drawn to the allure of internal beauty. He finds it extraordinary, wouldn't she concur? Annabelle looks rather uncomfortable, informs the professor that she isn't suitable for this, and makes a move to exit. But the professor obstructs her, gripping her throat roughly. Realizing the inappropriateness of his actions, he lets go and apologizes. Annabelle gathers her belongings and is about to leave, but something holds her back. Despite her reservations, something has sparked her curiosity. The professor observes Annabelle for a moment before unlocking a desk drawer and silently drawing out a magazine filled with numerous gaping images and placing it on the desk. Annabelle cautiously examines the magazine as the professor moves behind her. 'Isn't it magnificent?' he whispers into her ear. Annabelle appears apprehensive, but there's a hint of arousal in her demeanor. He questions her trust in him. Hesitantly, she concedes that she does trust him and wishes to partake in something consequential. The professor is pleased to hear this and reminds Annabelle of the beneficial trust her sister placed in him. They're about to embark on a journey that will revolutionize the world, he declares. Annabelle is prepared and inquires about her role in this venture. In response, the professor quietly unfastens the first few buttons of her blouse before returning to the sofa. Annabelle interprets the hint and proceeds to remove the rest of her blouse under the professor's watchful gaze. As she turns to him and begins to strip off her trousers, unveiling her impeccable posterior, he disrupts the silence, revealing that his intrigue with gaping began as soon as he learned about it. He has since delved into thousands of gaping videos, none of which have captured the essence accurately. That's where Annabelle's role comes in. Together, they aim to perfect it. He guides her to his desk, where she assumes a 'doggy-style' position, presenting her rear. Gradually, he removes her panties, caressing her posterior approvingly and complimenting her exquisite anus. The professor commences his task, applying lubricant to Annabelle's rectum. This is the initial step in creating a beautiful gape, he continues. As he inserts his thumb into her lubricated anus, she groans in pleasure