Fool Me Once

The scene begins with a young woman, Kimberly, entering her home accompanied by a good-looking young man, Jamal, just a few years her senior. They are both dressed in workout attire, carrying gym bags, and sipping on fresh smoothies while they engage in spirited conversation. The chemistry between them is palpable. Jamal compliments Kimberly's upscale home, to which she responds that her wealthy family financed her move to independence when she turned 18. In a playful tone, Kimberly remarks that she always gets what she desires. Jamal, smoothly, inquires about her current desires. Smiling coyly, Kimberly retorts, 'You'll see,' and guides him to the living room, inviting him to settle in. Their conversation shifts to their gym routines. Surprisingly, they both joined around two months ago and have similar workout schedules. Jamal jokes about the frequency with which he's seen Kimberly at the gym. Kimberly playfully teases him for finally gathering the courage to approach her. Jamal chuckles and admits he's a slow mover, but he couldn't resist Kimberly's allure. She curiously asks him what caught his attention. Jamal, with a laugh and a sweeping gesture towards her body, playfully asks, "Besides the obvious?" He also mentions noticing her t-shirt from his favorite band, to which Kimberly reacts with surprise - it's her favorite band, too! They continue to discover a shared love for other bands, foods, and interests, both excited and astonished by their commonalities. Kimberly remarks how incredible it is that they met each other, given their shared interests. She suggests they should engage in some of these activities together. Jamal seizes this opportunity and hints at another activity they could indulge in if she's interested. Kimberly, flirtatiously, agrees. As they lean closer, Jamal reminds her that she always gets what she wants, right? Kimberly agrees, their faces just inches apart. The tension between them is palpable, and they soon succumb to a passionate kiss. Jamal's hands start exploring Kimberly's body over her clothes. Kimberly, after a moment, breaks away to freshen up, leaving Jamal waiting. Once alone in the bathroom, she pulls out her phone and begins to pleasure herself while looking at voyeuristic photos she'd taken of Jamal. After a while, she retrieves a sealed specimen cup from her drawer and hides it behind her back. After a quick check in the mirror, she exits the bathroom. Kimberly returns to Jamal and jokingly hopes he wasn't kept waiting. Jamal reminds her that he enjoys taking things slow, especially with someone worth waiting for. Kimberly playfully challenges him to unleash his wild side. Jamal confidently assures her he can be as wild as she desires. Kimberly discreetly stows the specimen cup out of sight and straddles Jamal. Their intimate encounter continues, with Kimberly playfully referring to Jamal as 'Mr. Williams.' This confuses Jamal as he hadn't shared his last name. Kimberly quickly lies, saying she overheard it at the gym, which Jamal believes. Their exchange continues, with Jamal revealing her sports bra and teasing her thong. Kimberly also undresses Jamal partially. She compliments his facial hair, stating it's more attractive than when he was clean-shaven. This causes Jamal to pause - he hasn't been clean-shaven for months, but Kimberly has only known him for two months. Kimberly tries to convince him he was clean-shaven at his old gym, but Jamal grows more suspicious. Kimberly slips up and mentions his old gym's location - near his house. This concerns Jamal even further - how does she know where he lives? Jamal confronts Kimberly, accusing her of stalking him and fabricating their shared interests. Kimberly tries to convince him she genuinely likes the things they discussed, but Jamal is not convinced. He decides to leave, but Kimberly threatens to expose his secrets. Jamal scoffs, but pauses when Kimberly mentions his wife, Gloria, and his mistress, Sarah. She threatens to disclose his infidelity at his son's PTA meeting. Jamal is visibly angry but refrains from losing his temper. He calls Kimberly crazy and questions how she can claim to love him while threatening his life. Kimberly presents two options to Jamal: sleep with her or let his wife discover his affair. Jamal reluctantly agrees to sleep with her, pushing her onto the couch, preferring not to look at her face while he does what he must.