It Slipped In

Carolina Sweets, playing Jenny, and Whitney Wright, in the role of Sandra, are giggling and sharing secrets in Jenny's room while they prepare for an imminent exam, with textbooks scattered all over the bed and floor. Jenny seems much more reserved than her friend, who is unabashedly sharing her sexual exploits - Jenny is amazed at how much experience she has for a 19-year-old (even at times being taken aback by the risqué things her friend confesses to have done) and especially how casual she is about it. Sandra inquires, surely Jenny must have some amorous anecdotes she can disclose? Jenny confesses that she doesn't really have any, she's only kissed a few boys and the most intense thing she's done is some above-the-clothes petting. At this moment, Dane (Lucas Frost) strolls by in the hallway and interjects himself into the conversation. He remarks that it's no surprise that no one would ever want to sleep with Jenny, given how unattractive she is, she's not worth bedding. Jenny attempts to tell her older step-brother to desist, but clearly struggles to confront him, and Sandra watches silently, seething as Dane exploits his younger step-sister's timidity to dominate the conversation and continue to belittle her. He mocks her geeky attire, saying it looks more like something a senior citizen would wear, not an 18 year old. He ridicules her eyeglasses. He expresses his relief that they are not blood-related. Eventually, Jenny loses her composure and screams at him to leave. Dane concludes the conversation with a final insult, telling her to return to her studies since books are the only things as boring as she is. Once he's gone, Sandra stops biting her tongue and tells her friend that she can't believe how awful Jenny's older step-brother is. How long has she been tolerating this? Jenny says ever since he moved in with them, two years ago. Sandra tells her that she would never endure such torment, and Jenny admits she feels she has no option, he's so loud and disrespectful and she's so quiet and restrained that he basically stomps all over her. Sandra tells her that he needs to be taught a lesson, she doesn't deserve that kind of mistreatment and he'll just keep doing it until he realizes there are repercussions for his actions. Plus, she adds, what if he's doing this kind of thing to other innocent girls at school? Upon hearing this, Jenny begins to stand up for herself - her friend is right, she would never want anyone else to feel as degraded as he makes her feel. But what could she possibly do to make him so remorseful that he would never contemplate tormenting her again? He obviously doesn't feel guilty when she cries or tells him to stop. No, Sandra concurs, bullies like that only comprehend one language, and that's tit for tat. He's been humiliating her, so she needs to do something to make him feel humiliated in return. Something that's the ultimate retaliation for telling her no one would want to sleep with her, something he'll remember every time he sees her that'll agitate him. Like what? Jenny asks. Sandra gets a cunning look in her eye and says she has the perfect idea. TITLE PLATE Sandra acts innocent as she walks down the hall towards Dane's room, where he is showering. She waits until he comes out, catching him off guard. 'What are you up to?' Sandra says with a flirtatious smile. Oh, he replies, he thought she was his step-sister. Aren't they supposed to be studying for some important test? Sandra says yes, but they're going to be studying all night, and she needed a break. But Jenny wants to keep going and doesn't want a break. Such a bookworm, huh!? she says lightly. Dane chuckles and concurs. But they're friends, right? Sandra says sort of, and explains that that's the thing about friends, it's beneficial to have a wide circle of 'friends' who can each offer her something different. Like the answers to all the exams, she says with a wink. Dane laughs and shakes his head, amused at her straightforwardness. Or, she continues, like a handsome older brother who she can relax with during a study break. Dane looks at her, taken aback and speechless, clearly not used to being flirted with despite his cockiness. She moves in closer to him, crossing the boundary into his room. 'You know,' she says, 'we could be 'friends' too...' She starts to lower herself to meet his eye level, and she moves her hand to creep her fingers up his knee like a spider. 'I bet YOU could offer me something I don't already have, too...' she says suggestively