Fight Or Flight

Kara is fed up with her old car breaking down in the middle of nowhere. Stranded on a quiet road, she realizes she's far from the nearest gas station. With her car engine malfunctioning, her only option is to start walking and hope for a miracle. Her prayers seem to be answered when a car approaches, but alarm bells ring in her head when she sees a man behind the wheel. Rocco appears rough and gives off a sketchy vibe, but she has no choice but to trust him for assistance. If she turns down his offer, who knows when the next vehicle will come her way? Rocco claims he's driving her to town, but Kara can't shake off her apprehension about his intentions. As the journey progresses, she becomes increasingly worried for her safety as he makes unsettling comments. The situation escalates when a news report on the radio alerts the public about an escaped convict who matches Rocco's profile. Realizing she's in a dangerous predicament, Kara understands she must act swiftly to escape unscathed. She instructs Rocco to pull over, and when he complies, she decides to use her charm to seduce him. Her plan is to keep him distracted long enough to make her escape... but what will her next move be?