I Did It For You

When Eric emerges from the vehicle, he basks in the sun's embrace, feeling invigorated. This day seems extraordinary as he gazes at Tanya's residence. He admires her accomplishments, all thanks to his selflessness. Meeting his step-sister, Eric is ecstatic, oblivious to her subdued reaction. Despite his expectations of a hero's welcome, Tanya subtly conveys her discomfort, shattering his illusions. Incarceration undeniably altered him – a fact she blames him for. Their disagreement drives a wedge between them, jeopardizing their once-close bond. Desperate not to lose Tanya, Eric manipulates her into granting him a single night. He argues that her debt to him is undeniable, given the sacrifices he made for her. Reluctantly, Tanya succumbs to his persistence, succumbing to his advances. As they engage in intimate activities, Eric revels in the moment. However, he ponders whether one night will suffice to sate his desires.