
'Anyone who finds joy in isolation is either a savage creature or a deity' -Francis Bacon The scene commences with a detailed shot of a leaf, fresh and flawless. Gradually, the camera pans upwards to disclose a slightly unkempt man (Michael Vegas), his back to us. In his grip, he holds a rabbit, evidently his recent catch. His gaze sweeps the area, investigating the surroundings. The woodland is eerily quiet. As he surveys the area, a gust of wind rustles the trees. Convinced his inspection has revealed nothing of interest, he strides off. We trail him as he meanders through the forest, finally reaching a makeshift encampment. Tarps drape haphazardly over poles. The remnants of a previous fire flicker at the front. As he commences the preparation of his catch, an instinctive alertness interrupts him. Guided by his intuition, he retraces his steps through the woodland until he discovers a cabin nearby. Camouflaged in the undergrowth, he observes a car arriving and two women disembarking, Luna (Emily Willis) and Gwen (Emma Hix). They are here for a weekend retreat arranged by Luna. Gwen displays anxiety due to her unfamiliarity with the rural solitude. As they prepare to enter the cabin, Gwen senses something amiss. She swivels, her gaze returning to the forest. The trees sway in the breeze, but she discerns nothing. CUT TO TITLE Sometime later, the women are lounging on a jetty, soaking up the sun. They converse about their budding friendship, discussing Gwen's recent break-up. Luna had organized the weekend as a relaxation trip for Gwen. The women apply sun cream to each other's bodies, their glistening forms massaged by their hands as the man surreptitiously observes. Later that night, the women enjoy a movie as the man stealthily peers in through a window. The pleasant evening rapidly transforms into a stormy night and the electricity fails. As periodic lightning flashes illuminate the darkened cabin, Luna intimates she feels a subtle romantic tension from Gwen. After initial hesitation from Gwen, who has never been with another woman, they share an affectionate moment and kiss. They engage in lovemaking, with Luna guiding the timid and inexperienced Gwen through her first same-sex encounter. As they make love, lightning intermittently illuminates the scene. In the midst of their intimate act, the women are engrossed in each other, their eyes shut. Lightning flashes. In that brief, illuminating moment, we see the man looming over them. The room is then once again enveloped in darkness. The man has a unique plan in store for the women, but not everything is as it appears..