Cheaters Never Prosper

The scene unfolds as Melanie (Scarlett Mae) arrives at her father-in-law's residence, priming herself for a family feast. Stephen (Dick Chibbles) receives her with a cordial welcome, however, there appears to be a hint of unease. He seems perturbed as he questions why Melanie has been dodging his recent attempts to reach her.
Melanie insists that she's been attending drama workshops, but Stephen begins to focus more intently on her. If that's true, why then did Stephen's friend report seeing her depart from an inn the previous evening? The game is up, and Melanie tearfully confesses that she's been unfaithful to her spouse. She has no intention of causing her loving husband any pain, yet she feels an irresistible pull towards a more adventurous lifestyle.
She swears she'll not repeat her mistake, but Stephen remains skeptical. In fact, Stephen ominously discloses his resentment of not being the one Melanie chose to stray with. He's always harbored feelings for Melanie.
Now, if Melanie wishes to keep Stephen from revealing her indiscretions to his son, she'll have to surrender herself to him.
Melanie is taken aback that her own father-in-law would betray her in such a manner. Although she is repulsed, she's not prepared to confess her wrongdoings to her husband. As Stephen moves behind her and begins to caress her chest slowly, she makes her decision and succumbs.