Lessons In Business

Aiden Ashley is exiting her flat headed for her job when her property owner rings her up, insisting on the overdue rent payment. Aiden assures him it will be delivered the following day. However, as Aiden hastens to her vehicle, her day takes a turn for the worse when it refuses to ignite. She pounds her fists on the steering wheel in annoyance and dials her employer to inform him of her tardiness once more. Coincidentally, her tutor, Stirling Cooper, is passing by and offers her a ride to her workplace. Gratefully, Aiden accepts his help. During the journey, Stirling engages her in a chat. Aiden is one of his star pupils and he's intrigued as to why she's employed at a cafeteria. Shouldn't her focus be more on her academics? Aiden clarifies that the diner job is her means to survive. Stirling seems to have a brainwave, revealing to Aiden that he is part of a business run by his step-father. Maybe it's an opportunity that might interest Aiden? She mulls it over for a while, questioning Stirling about the nature of the business. Stirling hesitates, then hands over his step-father's business card to Aiden. She can contemplate it and if intrigued, she can contact him for further details about the venture. Days later, after having deliberated, Aiden arranges a meeting with Stirling's step-dad, Steve Holmes, to discuss the job offer. Steve scrutinizes her, commenting on Aiden's casual attire, expressing concern that she isn't taking this proposal with the gravity it deserves. Aiden counters that she IS serious about this, leading Steve to demand that Aiden unbutton her top to reveal her physique. He assesses her, commenting that he can see some...potential, and adds that his agency is of a high caliber - he caters ONLY to the top-tier. Aiden is uncertain but, lured by Steve's proposition, she tentatively agrees to join his team of girls. A couple of days later, Steve and Stirling convene to discuss their affairs. When Aiden rings, Steve insists that she drop by. Steve and Stirling are keen to evaluate what Aiden brings to the table. Initially hesitant, Aiden eventually acquiesces. She's on the brink of learning one of the most crucial lessons in the business world...