Bad Influence

The scene unfolds with Abby (Vanna Bardot) hastily arriving to confront Martin (Michael Swayze), the brother of her recovering girlfriend (Terri). Martin expresses concern that Terri is on the verge of falling back into addiction. He then ominously discloses that he will ensure Terri's downfall if Abby doesn't meet his demands. Abby's eyes dilate in shock as Martin's face twists into a wicked, eager grin. CUT TO TITLE As Abby grapples with the disturbing revelation, Martin elaborates that he has been exploiting Terri's fragility for years to maintain control over her. Abby's rage is palpable, her body shaking with fury. She stands up to depart but is halted by Martin's ultimatum - he threatens to orchestrate a situation where Terri succumbs to her addiction...unless Abby sleeps with him. Abby is speechless, unable to comprehend such a vile act. How could he perpetrate this?? Despite her revulsion towards Martin, she resolves to safeguard her girlfriend, and thus, agrees to satisfy Martin's desire - in exchange for his promise to leave Terri alone permanently. But can Terri ever truly be free from Martin's toxic influence?