Third Wheel

Elizabeth (Siri Dahl) and her spouse, Terri (Lena Paul), have been attempting to conceive for a long while now. They've exhausted numerous approaches and are left with nothing but mounting debt. Penniless and at their wits' end, they one day conclude that Terri's old university acquaintance, Jordan (Troy Francisco), might just be the solution to their predicament. He's a kind-hearted man with excellent genetics... All they need is a brief intimate encounter, and the couple can finally realize their dream of having a family, no strings attached. Since she is the one who spends most time at home, Elizabeth is the fortunate lady selected to be fertilized by Jordan. However, she's never been intimate with a man before and is anxious. Terri reassures her in a calming manner that everything is going to be fine and that she'll be there throughout the process for emotional support. Regrettably, Elizabeth is so consumed by her own apprehensions that she fails to notice that something is off with her devoted spouse... When Jordan arrives and disrobes, Elizabeth is too apprehensive to proceed. But Terri is there, reminding her of their purpose. As Terri soothes Elizabeth, she insists that THEY should make love first to help her adjust. They NEED Elizabeth to conceive so they can finally move on from this chapter. Mustered all her bravery, Elizabeth concedes and tries again. Guided by Terri, Elizabeth gradually becomes at ease enough to allow Troy to get close. Although Elizabeth's initially hesitant, she soon warms up to the situation thanks to Terri's motivating words. But as Elizabeth engages in the act with Troy, wishing nothing more than for him to climax inside her so she can finally be relieved, it appears Terri has ALTERNATIVE plans for them...