
The scene unfolds with two females, Clara (portrayed by Dee Williams) and Beth (played by Katie Morgan), positioned opposite each other at a table. Beth, filled with nervous anticipation, comments on Spencer's recurrent tardiness, hoping that this delay won't be as prolonged as the previous one, when he had kept them waiting for a full two hours for their shared prayer time. At long last, Spencer (role played by Dick Chibbles) makes his entrance. It soon becomes unmistakably evident that both Clara and Beth are his spouses. To their astonishment, he reveals that his tardiness stems from his involvement with another woman, whom he plans to take as his third wife. CUT TO TITLE Several days later, at Clara's residence, her doorbell echoes. Clara makes her way to the entrance and welcomes Beth inside. Beth expresses her gratitude for the invitation. Clara concedes that the situation feels odd, as their meetups are usually intended for scenarios involving Spencer, such as their communal prayer sessions. However, she doesn't have anyone else to confide in regarding their predicament. Beth confesses to sharing the same sentiment, and Clara guides her deeper into the home. Shortly afterwards, Clara and Beth sit separately on the sofa, expressing their grievances about Spencer's negligence. They come to the realization that Spencer may have fostered a competitive atmosphere between them, and they resolve to put this rivalry behind them. Over the following weeks, Clara and Beth's interactions become more frequent, strengthening their bond. Finally, during one instance, Clara and Beth find themselves sitting close together on Clara's living room couch. They grow closer still and agree that they don't require Spencer's attention if they have each other. Beth positions her head on Clara's lap, gazing upwards. Clara initially looks surprised, but then smiles and starts to tenderly stroke Beth's hair. After a few moments, Clara's other hand grasps one of Beth's, and they both grin. Eventually, Beth rises and leans in for a kiss, hesitating for a moment before Clara takes a deep, encouraging breath and signals her approval. They share a kiss, which culminates in them engaging in sensual, passionate lovemaking. Despite finding comfort in each other, Beth and Clara know they can't keep their secret relationship hidden from Spencer indefinitely. But what will his reaction be when he uncovers the truth?