Unfinished Business

Abigail (Ana Foxxx) and her partner, Malcolm (Alex Mack), are cozily nestled on the couch, engrossed in an amorous holiday film. Everything seems perfect until Abigail mentions their upcoming visit to her family for the festive season. Malcolm's demeanor shifts suddenly and he declares a change of plans -- he prefers to stay home for the holidays. Abigail is perplexed as Malcolm gives fragile justifications for his sudden change of heart. She contests his decision, laying bare Malcolm's unsettling pattern of keeping her secluded from others. Denying all allegations, Malcolm convinces her that she's merely being oversensitive. Despite her disquiet, Abigail endeavors to maintain a facade of normalcy but the moment Malcolm steps out of the room, she resolves to change things. In a flurry, Abigail begins packing, resolute in her decision to escape this unhealthy situation once and for all. However, when she turns to find Malcolm furiously advancing towards her, she realizes it's too late. Fast forward a few months, and the scenario hasn't changed much, except that Malcolm now has a new girlfriend, Lindsay. Lindsay is pleased to be with Malcolm, yet she can't shake off the worry that she might just be a rebound, considering Abigail's untimely demise not long ago. Malcolm, though, reassures her that while he misses Abigail, he is now in love with Lindsay. However, the ghost of his past actions begins to haunt Malcolm. Over a course of days, he sees spectral appearances of an enigmatic woman dressed in white silently moving through his house. Be it a fleeting movement from the corner of his eye or a misty figure at the end of the corridor, Malcolm's life is thrown into chaos. Lindsay's insistence that she sees nothing only adds to his anxiety. One night, as Malcolm lies in bed, he's visited yet again by the mysterious lady in white. This time, it's unmistakably clear that it's Abigail. She's come to make Malcolm confess the truth about her untimely death, even though Malcolm is unyielding in his denial of any responsibility. It's then that Abigail begins to lure him in, promising that once he confesses his guilt, he will finally find liberation...