Rumor Has It

Ben (Alex Mack) and his girlfriend Elizabeth (Athena Anderson) are engaged in a discussion when Elizabeth unexpectedly receives a cryptic message from a number she doesn't recognize: 'Hey, I thought you should be aware... your boyfriend's being unfaithful. I saw him smooching another lady last night'. Elizabeth dismisses it, as SHE was with Ben last night. She shares the text with Ben and they conclude it must be a misdirected message, primarily since their names were not specified in the text. They quickly shrug it off, carrying on with their daily activities. However, as time passes, Elizabeth keeps getting messages asserting that Ben is being unfaithful, this time actually addressing them by their names and mentioning specific details like Elizabeth's preferred restaurant. It's evidently not a misdirected message after all. However, the allegations are blatantly false, as the supposed cheating always occurs when Ben is with Elizabeth. She attempts to block the number sending the messages, but she still gets them from another number, and the police have been entirely ineffective. Elizabeth becomes irate and suspicious, demanding Ben confess if he's actually being unfaithful. Ben is taken aback, earnestly asserting his innocence. Elizabeth, still enraged, storms out. Upon Elizabeth's departure, Ben's best friend Allison (Cali Caliente) stops by. Allison admits that she's been drawn to Ben for quite some time, and she's fairly certain she's picked up on signals from him that he feels the same way but has lacked the courage to act on them. He expresses his appreciation and confesses that there have been moments when he's contemplated it, but the timing was never suitable. He reminds Allison that she is WELL AWARE he's in a devoted relationship with Elizabeth currently, and things have been escalating since they moved in together, so he has no intention of risking that. He's astonished that Allison is addressing this now, especially since Ben has had numerous discussions with Allison recently about the trials he and Elizabeth have been facing with someone spreading harmful gossip - he would expect her to be more respectful of his relationship given their recent turmoil. Allison then discloses that SHE'S the one who's been sending Elizabeth messages claiming that Ben is being unfaithful. Ben is dumbfounded and feels betrayed, and demands an explanation for her abhorrent actions - why is she trying to set him up??! Allison claims she wanted to demonstrate to Ben that Elizabeth is unworthy of him... just observe how Elizabeth is behaving - jealous and distrustful, even though he has a solid alibi every time. Ben is taken aback and upset that Allison would resort to such measures, but Allison claims she did it for HIS sake. Now they can be together, and she'll provide him with the love and respect he deserves. Unlike Elizabeth, Allison has no intention of controlling Ben or demanding his exclusive commitment, in fact Allison wants to grant Ben the liberty to do as he pleases, selflessly like a TRUE friend. Can't he see?! Allison has paved a new path for him where he can be with ANY woman he desires without consequences...