
Lenny and Martha (portrayed by Seth Gamble and Charlie Forde) are a jubilantly wedded duo, who have unfortunately never succeeded in conceiving a child. Therefore, they decided to solicit the assistance of Sandra (played by Sophia Burns), a surrogate mother who would carry and deliver their progeny. The anticipated day to meet their new kin has finally arrived, and they prepare their living room with cheer and celebration, hardly able to contain their thrill. However, when Sandra arrives at their doorstep, they are taken aback to see her come without their offspring. Their surprise escalates to utter astonishment when Sandra reveals that she has decided to keep the baby herself, leaving Lenny and Martha powerless to alter her decision. Martha is crushed by the news, descending into a state of panic and inconsolability. After such a long period of hope and anticipation... after all the support they've extended to Sandra... how could she shatter their dreams in such a manner? Lenny, on the other hand, adopts a more proactive approach, proposing various incentives to Sandra in an effort to persuade her. However, Sandra stands firm in her decision, regardless of Lenny's propositions. The truth is, Lenny and Martha can't offer her what she craves the most: a family of her own. When Lenny realizes this, the seeds of a solution start to sprout in his mind. Perhaps... he and Martha COULD provide Sandra with a family... Lenny puts forth a bold and unconventional proposal to Sandra. Why doesn't she stay and become a part of their family? She would never have to be separated from the child, and could always be involved in its life. Sandra is intrigued, but she is concerned that this offer might not be as generous as it sounds. Would she ever truly be considered equal to Lenny and Martha in this revolutionary family structure they're suggesting? Or would she just turn into a glorified domestic helper? However, Lenny and Martha reassure Sandra, pledging their commitment to making this idea work. In fact, they are willing to demonstrate their dedication immediately... by extending her the same intimacy they typically share with each other.