Run Far Away

In fear of her parents' reaction to her poor academic performance, the attractive yet unsuspecting Haley Reed chooses to leave her home and seek a ride to LA, with dreams of fame and recognition. After a string of dubious drivers attempt to give her a ride, she's left increasingly anxious and having difficulty securing a lift under the scorching sun. Eventually, a car stops, and a seemingly perverse man tries to entice her into his vehicle... when another car abruptly stops, and Xander Corvus and Small Hands step out, protecting the girl and causing the unsavory character to hastily retreat the area. They soothe Haley's nerves and offer her a lift. Appearing composed, charming, and having just rescued her, she makes the decision to accept their offer. She takes a seat in the back with Xander, who is fashionably attired, while Small Hands takes the wheel. Through casual conversation, the men mention they're also heading to LA in the hopes of gaining recognition for their band. The group gets on remarkably well. The men propose to assist Haley by sharing the ride for the rest of the journey and even suggest that she stay with them in the house they've rented for the trip. She agrees, and they all journey to the house. Once they're inside, it gradually becomes apparent that the men aren't exactly as they had initially appeared... but the young woman, caught up in the thrill of her impending success and newfound companions, innocently agrees to their every proposition... even when they engage in explicit sexual activities with her.