Converting My Sister

The scene opens on Rick, an attractive, All-American university student, as he finishes his shaving routine in front of the mirror. Beside him on the counter is a birthday gift, accompanied by a card for his younger stepsister. As the scene unfolds, Rick is heard humming to himself and murmuring about her—today is her 19th birthday, she's blossomed into a stunning young lady, and he's sure she'll adore his present. He's harbored feelings for her ever since their parents wed years ago, and he anticipates the thrill of finally being intimate with her. It seems as if he's rehearsing a speech, something he's longed to express for a long time. His phone rings. Upon seeing the caller ID, he realizes it's his sister, Jessica. Wiping the remaining shaving cream from his neck, he grins and answers. A split-screen shot shows each sibling as they converse. Rick greets her with enthusiasm, asking if she's looking forward to the family BBQ that evening. She responds with a nervous chuckle, informing him that the BBQ has been cancelled. Instead, she requested their parents to go away for the weekend as her birthday wish—to finally have the house to herself. Rick's face falls in disappointment, but lights up again when Jessica invites him over. They can get up to all sorts of mischief with their parents away, and besides, she has something vital to share with him. His eyes twinkle as he eagerly agrees, promising to be there in an hour. The split-screen ends on Jessica's side as she ends the call and walks nervously to her bed. She flops onto her back, revealing a rainbow bracelet on her wrist. She fiddles with it and bites her lip. The scene transitions to Rick entering the family home, gift in hand. Hearing him, Jessica rushes over and enthusiastically embraces her brother, expressing how much she's missed him. He gives her a lustful look as he hands over her present and begins to stutter through his planned speech. However, Jessica seems distracted and anxious, silencing him and leading him upstairs to her bedroom. She can't hold back her secret any longer. The stepsiblings sit on the bed. As Jessica begins to speak, Rick nervously urges her to unwrap the gift. It's a lace camisole. The typically tomboyish Jessica looks at it quizzically while Rick gently places his hand on her knee, preparing to make his move. But, to his surprise, the secret she discloses has NOTHING to do with him. It's about her. She's a lesbian. Rick can't conceal his disappointment, which Jessica misinterprets as a negative reaction. She asks for his support and advice on dealing with their homophobic parents. She doesn't want to hide her identity but fears they may throw her out if they discover the truth.