Girls Night

The scene unfolds on a serene summer day when 18-year-old Kacey is en route to her pal Andi's residence. She has packed a backpack, a collection of board games, and a pillow, which are casually thrown in the back seat of her car, and the radio is playing softly. Kacey and Andi have been inseparable best friends for years, a bond that remained unbroken even after Kacey's family relocated to a different city. Now, the final weekend before they both venture out of state to pursue their college education at separate institutions looms ahead, and Andi has proposed a 'girls' night' sleepover as a nostalgic nod to their shared past. Upon Kacey's arrival, Andi greets her with infectious enthusiasm. The best friends share a round of giggles and a warm embrace before picking up Kacey's belongings and heading indoors. Andi's behavior is a bit off-kilter as she continuously glances over her shoulder while securing the door. They make themselves comfortable in the living room and start to catch up when their chit-chat is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Andi's step-brother Todd. Todd has always put Kacey on edge. He is regarded as the family’s outcast — unemployed, constantly getting into trouble, and exhibiting an aggressive demeanor. After a spell in the military, he moved back home this summer, and Andi has been uncharacteristically silent about it. The moment Todd enters the room, Andi's demeanor shifts drastically from exuberant and bubbly to tense and withdrawn. Kacey observes this, but before she can react, Todd insinuates himself onto the couch and intrudes on their conversation. Throughout the interaction, he continually demeans his sister in front of Kacey, making crude jokes at her expense while simultaneously exhibiting an overly touchy and flirtatious attitude. Andi absorbs it all in silence, her gaze fixed blankly on her best friend. The situation is far from a typical sibling interaction, leaving Kacey feeling exceptionally uncomfortable, especially when she notices Todd's lecherous gaze directed at her as well. Later that evening, after a round of board games and makeover sessions, the girls prepare for bed by undressing. As they shed their clothes, Kacey spots some peculiar markings encircling one of Andi's wrists. When she inquires about it, Andi brushes it aside and hastily steers the conversation elsewhere. An uncomfortable silence prevails until Kacey breaks the awkwardness by asking to use the shower, to which her best friend responds with evident relief and provides her with a towel. As Kacey showers, she can't shake off her uneasiness. Leaning against the wall, she scrubs herself while lost in deep thought, her mind clearly preoccupied with Andi's situation. As she turns off the shower and pulls back the curtain, she catches a glimpse of Todd hastily exiting the bathroom. It's evident he had been spying on her. Kacey hurriedly wraps herself in her towel. Back in Andi's room, Kacey makes an attempt to recount the incident, but Andi hastily dismisses her concerns, making up excuses that he must have accidentally wandered in. She assures Kacey that she's just tired and the girls proceed to turn off the lights. In the dead of the night, Kacey is roused by peculiar sounds. Gradually turning over, she is horrified to discover that Andi and Todd are engaged in a forceful sexual encounter on the adjacent bed.