The Jealous Brother

The scene begins with Gina and David, two high school seniors of 18 years, strolling home from school hand in hand. Dressed in their school uniforms, the pair have been secretly involved for several months now. Gina is deeply infatuated with David who is attractive, kind-hearted, a member of the football team and is quite popular at school. However, she hails from a highly traditional family and fears the repercussions of their relationship being exposed. Her father is a bigoted man and the patriarch of their household. She trembles at the thought of his reaction if he discovered her relationship with David. As they navigate their path home through a secluded route they often take to spend more time together, David implores Gina to confront her father. With graduation around the corner and both of them now 18, he sees no reason why they shouldn't abscond together when the year concludes. Gina, on the brink of tears, embraces David and apologizes for her family's archaic mindset before expressing her love for him. At that moment, a car pulls up abruptly behind them. The window rolls down and Jeremy, Gina's elder step-brother, yells furiously for her to get in. David, looking worried, inquires about the angry stranger. Gina, visibly terrified, assures David she'll contact him later before reluctantly getting into the car with her brother. The car speeds off, leaving a bewildered David behind. Inside the car, Jeremy drives in silence, seething with anger. A lengthy uncomfortable silence ensues as Gina nervously fidgets with her school skirt. Suddenly, Jeremy slams on the brakes and angrily questions Gina about the identity of the boy she was with. Gina timidly informs him that it was just a schoolmate and nothing significant. Jeremy scrutinizes her before reprimanding her for associating with such boys, reminding her of their father's possible reaction. Gina pulls away from his grip and insists that there's nothing to discover, downplaying the situation. Yet another tense silence prevails as Jeremy glares at his sister furiously, questioning why she's been avoiding him but is comfortable being touched by a boy on some secluded path. Gina interjects, pleading with him that it's normal for step-siblings to have separate social circles. The term 'step' seems to ignite Jeremy's fury even further, and he explodes. He accuses Gina of reducing him to merely a "step-brother" despite his years of protection and care for her. Sensing his jealousy, Gina backpedals and apologizes, expressing her love and appreciation for him. Jeremy smirks and sternly warns her to stay away from David. Gina reluctantly agrees and requests they head home. That evening, Gina is studying in her room when a knock on the back door startles her. It's David. He expresses his concerns about the earlier incident and her lack of response to his texts. Gina urges him to leave before her parents return from choir practice. David stands firm, demanding to know why his girlfriend had been ignoring his messages all evening. Gina explains her step-brother's overreaction upon seeing them together and his threats to inform her father. David offers to confront Jeremy, but Gina laughs it off, assuring him that her brother is harmless, just a tad overprotective due to his lack of social connections growing up. As they begin to kiss, Gina appears uneasy about David being in her house, but he insists, reminding her of the ample time they have alone while her parents are absent. The persistent David suggests they seize the opportunity to be intimate, something they often discuss but rarely get to act upon. Clearly aroused, David persuades Gina into agreeing. As they move to her bed and he begins to undress her, she asks if he has protection. He admits he didn't bring any but assures her it wouldn't be an issue. Although hesitant, Gina agrees to proceed, swayed by her boyfriend's enthusiasm. Winner XBIZ Best Actress -- Taboo Release Gia Paige Winner XBIZ Best Actor -- Taboo Release Michael Vegas Winner XBIZ Best Sex Scene -- Taboo Release