Uncle Fucker

The scene unveils with Jessica, a lively 18-year-old maiden, seated on her boudoir's floor, knees tucked in, as she completes her makeup in front of a mirror. She makes faces at her reflection, captures a few selfies, before hearing her father summon her to the kitchen. It's a Sunday, the day of the grand match, and he's inviting a few pals over... including John, a man who's been like an uncle to Jessica and the object of her affection for years. As she sashays into the kitchen, Jessica's father is taken aback. Why on earth is she dolled up in such a manner? She's far too young to be donning such suggestive attire! Jessica attempts to counter, saying it's the trend among girls her age these days, but her father is adamant that she should change. He's having friends over, for crying out loud! She had pledged to assist him in hosting... not to act promiscuously! Jessica shoots her father a furious look before storming back to her room and slamming the door. The door to Jessica's bedroom gradually opens, as she tiptoes down the hall amidst the sounds of men cheering and laughing in the other room. The match has commenced. The camera gradually zooms out to reveal the teenager dressed in another daring outfit... despite her father's disapproval. She bears a self-satisfied smirk as she walks into the kitchen, grabs a bowl of snacks, and heads towards the living room. Her father and his two pals are engrossed in the game when Jessica offers to fetch drinks... and awkwardly greets John. Jessica's father appears annoyed upon seeing her attire but chooses to remain silent in front of his friends, simply waving her away. John, however, seems captivated by the 18-year-old. He offers his help and follows her back to the kitchen. Jessica attempts to behave mature and sophisticated around John, to win his approval. After sharing her college aspirations, she effusively tells him he's her favorite Uncle, even though they aren't related. She fondly recalls all the good times they've had over the years, with John being a regular at their house and her dad's best buddy. John is affable and sweet with Jessica, all the while keeping an eye on her father in the other room. At one point, he leans in and whispers something about wanting to taste her delectable little pussy. Jessica is taken aback, assuming she's misheard. She asks him to repeat himself and he just grins, saying he wants to eat the snacks... before heading back to the living room. Jessica blushes. Did he really just say that?! One Hour Later Jessica is squeezed on the couch between her father and his friends. They're still engrossed in the game, whilst she appears anxious. She can't stop pondering over John's words. He's staring at her now and subtly playing footsie with her, right in front of her father. The subtle taunting continues until Jessica can't take it anymore and excuses herself to go refill the snacks. Inside the kitchen, she opens the pantry and grabs a bag, pouring its contents into the bowl. When she turns around, John is right behind her. He startles her so much that she drops the snacks on the floor. Flustered, she apologizes for being so jittery and bends over to pick them up. John remains sweet and affable but doesn't offer any help... instead, he simply looms over her as she bends down, her butt innocently up in the air. There's something peculiar about the way he's calmly observing her while keeping an eye on the men in the other room. By the time Jessica stands up, there's an unsettling silence between them. She fidgets awkwardly as John gazes at her, inching closer. 'Jessica,' John inquires. 'May I ask you something?' She nods her head nervously. John steps closer. 'Your dad once mentioned that you had a bit of a crush on me. Is that still the case?' he asks teasingly. Jessica freezes, her big doe eyes staring up at him. How mortifying! 'I can't believe he told you that,' she dismisses. 'That's preposterous. You're like family to me!' She tries to head back to the living room, but John pulls her back by the hand. 'But is it true?' He asks again, stroking her arm. She glances down at it before slowly looking back up at him. 'It was just a silly infatuation,' she downplays. 'That's why I never acted on it. You're Uncle Jack. Besides, I'm too young for you... I've just turned eighteen!' Smiling, John continues to probe as he slowly corners her in the kitchen, inquiring about her past and