The Grandparents

Lucy, an audacious 18-year-old skateboarder, sits with her arms folded between her father and a suitcase. They're situated in the living room of an aged woman, who presents herself as Grandma Jean. The woman's spouse, an older man with a grey beard whom she calls Grandpa, sits sternly next to her. They scrutinize the teenage girl, while the father expresses his deep gratitude for their willingness to accept her on such short notice. Since her mother's departure, she's been uncontrollably reckless; indulging in wild parties, being sexually adventurous with both genders, and blatantly defying his rules. He was at his wit's end... and their peculiar 'homestyle' rehabilitation centre was his pastor's suggestion. Grandma Jean reassures him that they will look after Lucy as if she were their own grandchild. That's their way. She proposes to bring Lucy some cookies, which are dismissed with a scoff. Her father attempts to chastise her, but Grandpa interjects, politely yet firmly suggesting that he depart. He will be granted monthly visits and regular phone calls, as they had explained over the phone. The father complies and leaves, leaving the bewildered Lucy alone with Grandpa. There's an extended uncomfortable silence... until Grandma Jean returns with the cookies. Lucy begins to feel extremely anxious and starts eating while Grandma kindly explains the facility's rules. She removes Lucy's boyish baseball cap as she elaborates that all wayward girls under their care must respect their 'personal' approach to behaviour management. Since she's from a disrupted family, she's expected to be an active participant in their harmonious blended family. She must address them as Grandma and Grandpa, exhibit respect, stay within the facility unless on supervised excursions, and maintain a friendly yet discreet relationship with the other house guests. The most crucial rule is... no sexual activity! Grandpa remains silent while his wife speaks. A timid young lady enters the room, wearing a feminine babydoll dress. Upon seeing her, Grandma Jean introduces her as Amy, another guest at the facility. They will be sharing a room, so Grandma requests Amy to help Lucy get settled. Noticing Amy's short dress and anticipating some fun, Lucy eagerly follows her upstairs. Once they are alone in the bedroom, Lucy attempts to make Amy loosen up. She looks around the elegantly decorated room in astonishment. The 'facility' is far more luxurious than she had envisioned when her father brought her here, but these elderly people are incredibly bizarre! Amy whispers that their grandparents are extremely kind. Throughout the months under their care, she has transformed from a spoiled brat to a respectable 18-year-old woman. Grandma Jean looks after her and always provides the most tender goodnight kisses. Lucy is taken aback by this and tries to snap Amy back to reality, asking her to reveal the truth. What led her here? What's the deal with the old man - What does Grandpa do? Amy's expression alters as she explains that Grandpa is a very complex man. As she says this, Grandma Jean enters with a beautifully wrapped box -- a gift for Lucy. Taken aback, Lucy unwraps it to find the same babydoll dress that Amy is wearing. The skateboarder feigns gratitude and Grandma Jean instructs her to wear it and join them downstairs for a game of cards -- their nightly routine. Lucy is taken aback by the feminine attire, but Amy helps her change, complementing her attractive figure. Her naivety makes Lucy smile and the two girls begin to flirt... until Grandpa calls them downstairs. CUT to a card table in the living room. The girls are seated in their matching outfits, playing cards with Grandma and Grandpa. To lighten the mood, Lucy tries small talk... enquiring about their past and their decision to assist troubled teens. As always, Grandma Jean responds warmly while Grandpa stays silent. He just gazes at Lucy. Amy discreetly passes Lucy a note. It reads: Be careful... Grandpa likes you!! Lucy reacts with a grimace and responds by playing footsie with Amy under the table. This makes Amy anxious. She hastily asks the grandparents if they can retire for the night. Lucy must be exhausted from her journey. Smiling, Grandma Jean dismisses them, promising to come up and kiss them goodnight. CUT to the girls' room. They're changing and exchanging flirtatious glances when the grandparents enter. Grandma Jean tucks them in and kisses them goodnight, while Grandpa sternly oversees. They switch off the light and leave. Once alone, Lucy turns the light back on and tries to get Amy to kiss her. Amy hesitates, fearing they might get caught. She informs Lucy that she promised Grandpa she wouldn't spoil her. Lucy is puzzled and asks her to elaborate. Amy confesses that Grandpa visits her room every night,