Airtight Invasion

The SCENE begins on a night where a stunning young lady named Veronica is preparing to spend the night alone in her family's mansion. She's the offspring of a wealthy entrepreneur who is rumored to be involved in illicit activities, and Veronica certainly looks the part of a mafia daughter, with an immaculate makeup and flamboyant attire. However, she is an apprehensive individual, nervously pacing around the various levels of her mansion, and pleading with her father over the phone. It's her first time being alone for the weekend with only one bodyguard on duty, and she doubts his ability to protect her, particularly against her father's adversaries. Her father dismissively tells her to relax, reminding her that she is 18 and that the bodyguard is a skilled professional. Her parents will be home in the morning. She strides into the kitchen, takes a deep breath, agrees to her father's words, and he hangs up, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She retrieves a bottle of water from the fridge and heads to the front door. The security guard, Bruno, is standing there as he usually does during his night shift. She bids him goodnight sweetly, hands him the water, which he gratefully accepts. It's a warm night. Veronica plants a kiss on his cheek and expresses gratitude for his constant protection before closing the door. Bruno resumes his duties, standing on the front steps and sipping his water, smiling at the thought of the innocent girl. TITLE PLATE CUT Bruno is found lying on the front steps, an opened water bottle lying beside him. Three men in black cautiously step over him and enter the unlocked front door. They quietly make their way through the mansion to Veronica's room. She is in her bed, clad in silk pajamas. They approach her, each wearing black ski masks and breathing heavily. The teenager stirs for a moment before opening her eyes and staring at them. Her eyes widen. 'You're coming with us,' one of them gruffly says. The scene fades into black to the sounds of rustling and resistance. 8 Hours Later. Veronica struggles to see. Something covers her head and she begs the men to remove it. They yank it off, revealing a pillowcase, and she sees her surroundings for the first time. She is being held in a cluttered storage unit, surrounded by two of the men who appear as apprehensive as she is. 'Who are you?' she mumbles. The two men exchange glances before replying. 'Your father owes us a debt, and we're holding you until he pays up,' one says. Veronica lowers her gaze in terror. Her hands are bound crudely, causing her discomfort. 'Could you please untie these?' she pleads. 'It's not like I'm going anywhere.' The men exchange glances again, unsure of what to do next, before one of them pulls out a switchblade and cuts her hands free. 'Don't move,' he says in a timid warning, 'or else!' Suddenly, a third man, the oldest of the group, strides into the room. He notices that Veronica isn't bound and immediately rushes over, scolding the other men for untying her. They assure him that she won't attempt to escape and, besides, she has no place to go. The third man calms down and attempts to intimidate Veronica by getting in her face. He warns her not to cross them or do anything foolish. They are trained professionals. They don't care how they earn their money at the end of the day, and disposing of her would be much easier than negotiating a ransom. Veronica is silent and agrees with everything the man, who appears to be the leader, says. He seems to take great pleasure in asserting his power and tosses a burner phone to the other two men. 'Call her father,' he orders, turning back to Veronica with a sadistic grin. 'Time to talk to daddy!' 24 Hours Later. Veronica is huddled in a corner, sweating and anxious, while the men attempt to negotiate with her father. This is their fourth attempt since the abduction, and her father is weeping on the other end of the line. He can gather some of the ransom money, but not the entire amount they're demanding. They are being unreasonable, and he pleads for mercy. He hasn't contacted the police, and is playing along with their demands. Frustrated, the leader ends the call abruptly. Things aren't going according to his plan. He berates the other two men, brandishing his weapon and accusing them of being too lenient with Veronica. He suggests that a 'special delivery' would expedite the process. Veronica withdraws and whispers that her father is merely trying to haggle. That's how he operates. He's always been frugal. He can afford the