The Last House on the Right

The scene initiates with two schoolgirls, Ashley and Nina, hastily rounding a street corner, their laughter filling the frame. Out of breath, Ashley exclaims, 'I can't believe we almost got nabbed for shoplifting!' They slow down and Nina reveals two bikinis from her backpack. She taunts Ashley, calling her a coward, and jests that she'd never actually get them into trouble! Plus, they now have a fresh look for the summer. As they stroll down the street, they chat about school, rumors, and the basketball team. Nina, who is 19-years-old and a year older than Ashley, is notorious in school for being a rebellious girl with a past filled with misconduct. Ashley, on the other hand, is a follower. Having been a loner for most of her life, Nina is the first real friend she's ever had, which leads her to give in to situations beyond her comfort zone. They reach another corner. 'What should we do next?' Ashley asks, 'I can't return home yet. They'll realize I played hooky.' Nina proposes that they go and explore this abandoned lot at the end of her street. It's about to be knocked down. It used to be a grand mid-century mansion, a venue for star-studded debaucheries. Ashley gives her friend a dubious look and Nina laughs, running ahead. 'Just messing with you,' she calls back. 'Are you coming or what?' Ashley hesitates for a moment before chasing her friend. CUT TO TITLE PLATE The camera navigates a yard filled with junk to find Ashley and Nina meandering through the clutter. Nina is regaling Ashley with tales about the property's history (or at least what her father has told her) as Ashley looks around anxiously. She is concerned about them trespassing. They encounter the house itself, old and dilapidated. It hasn't been occupied for years and, apart from some trash, is entirely vacant. 'Isn't this totally badass?' Nina says, pulling her friend inside and twirling around the living room. Ashley forces a smile. She finds the place eerie. Nina takes out a cigarette and lights it up, bragging about all the things she'd do if she could refurbish the place herself. She hands the cigarette to Ashley, who awkwardly accepts it and takes a puff without inhaling. Nina reaches into her backpack and flings an unmarked water bottle to her friend. 'What's this?' Ashley asks. 'Just try it,' Nina replies. 'It's good.' Ashley takes a sip and hands it back. CUT to an hour later. The water bottle is empty. Nina is snapping selfies while Ashley sits with her arms wrapped around her legs against a wall. She's trying not to let her bare knees touch the grime-covered floor. Bored, Nina suggests they try on their new bikinis and pose for pictures together. She coaxes Ashley back up and starts unbuttoning her blouse. They undress and put on the bikini bottoms. Still topless, Nina tries to sneak a picture of Ashley changing as a joke, which causes Ashley to panic, running around the corner to avoid the photo. She stumbles over something and crashes to the floor. Nina chases after her, laughing, but freezes as both she and Ashley see the homeless man sprawled on the floor between them. 'Do you think he's alive?' Ashley murmurs after a long silence, covering her bare torso. The man, probably in his late twenties, is strewn across the floor in filthy clothes. He's unshaven, oily, and drooling. Nina bites her lip and cautiously approaches him, her breasts still exposed. She shakes her head. 'I can hear him breathing,' she whispers back. Ashley rushes into the other room to fetch her blouse, hastily putting it on and grabbing Nina's on her way back. When she comes back, she's shocked to find Nina posing provocatively for a selfie on top of the homeless man. Ashley demands her to stop. 'What?!' Nina snaps. 'This is freaking hilarious. Stop being such a downer!' Ashley watches nervously as Nina resumes her duck faces and provocative poses. 'I'm going to send these to my boyfriend and tell him I found a better man!' She says, laughing... and Ashley can't help but grin. Nina begs her to come and take some photos. 'Please,' she says. 'Derek's going to flip! I have to do it... just a few more pics and then we can go, promise.' The hesitant friend takes the phone and begins to photograph Nina as she poses around the man and ends up straddling him in a reverse cowgirl pose. As the girls take their final photo, giggling, the homeless man suddenly wakes up with a jolt and grabs Nina. She shrieks. Ashley drops