Mommy Monster

The scene begins with an affluent couple on their way home one day after a public speaking event. The man, Senator Gregory, is engaged in a phone conversation with one of his supporters about the 'family first' charity event sponsored by one of their major benefactors. As he talks, his wife, Mrs. Gregory, gazes out the window, frustrated by the need to attend such traditional gatherings. However, the privileged lifestyle they lead, along with the frequent absences of her husband, allows Mrs. Gregory ample time to pursue her personal interests. The Senator concludes his call and inquires about the estimated time to the airport from the driver. "I anticipate my son to be home upon our return," he mentions proudly. Mrs. Gregory responds with a smirk, "Oh, I wasn't aware that William was visiting. It's unfortunate you'll only see him over the weekend before you depart again." The Senator reassures his wife by gently squeezing her knee, stating that their son will stay for the entire week, giving her plenty of time to reconnect with her stepson. Mrs. Gregory’s smile fades as she resumes her gaze out the window. CUT TO TITLE PLATE The camera sweeps over a lavishly decorated bathroom. Mrs. Gregory is perched on the edge of the bathtub, covertly perusing candid photos of young women on her phone. She gets aroused and her hand slips beneath her robe, but she is abruptly interrupted by her husband calling for her from downstairs to bid him farewell. She grudgingly closes her phone and makes her exit. The Senator awaits by the entrance, attempting to share a kiss with his wife, who evades him by offering a hug instead. Meanwhile, William saunters into the room in his pajamas, munching on cereal. He greets his father before plopping down on the sofa, paying no attention to his stepmother. Mrs. Gregory, feeling the slight, urges her husband to depart to avoid missing his flight. She pecks his cheek and ushers him out of the door, silently reveling in her victory. She despises having to touch him. She then enters the living room and gazes silently at her stepson, who continues to disregard her presence. The tension between the two is palpable. Eventually, Mrs. Gregory takes the bowl from William's hands. "You've been ignoring my emails," she states frostily. He glares at her contemptuously. "And you've ceased funding my account," he retorts, taking back his bowl and resuming his meal. The frustrated woman attempts to reason with her stepson. "I thought our deal was clear," she continues. "I compensate you for each viable lead you provide me!" William dismissively shakes his head. "You're deranged," he declares as he stands up. "Just admit you're a lesbian, mom! I'm done being your damn wingman!" In a following shot, he heads to the kitchen; his mother trails behind him, pleading for his understanding. He is fully aware of her precarious situation with his father and the public. If her secret hobbies were revealed, it would lead to the downfall of his father's political career, their wealth, their social standing, and his trust fund, which she has been diligently topping up for years! William interrupts her. "Your hobbies?" He argues. "You mean, coercing me to bring girls over so you can exploit them?" Mrs. Gregory pinches her lips together, struggling to maintain composure. "I mean, assisting your mother," she barely manages to say. Sensing his mother’s vulnerability, William relents. Despite their highly dysfunctional relationship, they share an emotional bond. Mrs. Gregory is the only mother figure William has known since his biological mother passed away when he was a child. He has helped her conceal her homosexuality over the years, and in return, she has ensured that he can enjoy a life of privilege. Their relationship is essentially a quid pro quo arrangement. However, the constant deception has begun to weigh on his conscience. "I was hoping this visit would be different," he states. "I'd like to try and behave normally, you know?" Mrs. Gregory closes her eyes. She promises her son that there is just one profile she wants him to contact. Just one date. One bait and switch. Then he can do whatever he pleases for the rest of the week. And she will resume the allowance. Despite his resentment, he reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. TEXT PLATE: Several days later William opens the front door and escorts a beautiful college girl named Anna inside the house. They had just enjoyed a wonderful outing after meeting on a dating app. He invites her to sit in the living room and shares a flirtatious kiss with her before leaving to fetch some drinks. She smiles warmly and settles comfortably. Meanwhile, Mrs. Gregory, who has been observing from upstairs,