Is Everything OK?

SCENE COMMENCES with Sue, a woman in her middle years, wrapping up a phone conversation with a companion. Using gentle, soothing words, she instructs the person on the other end to maintain their composure. Naturally, they're more than willing to accommodate her daughter for a while amidst the marital breakup. She's well aware how tumultuous divorce can be. After all, Tiffany and her boys have always been on good terms. She terminates the call and, inhaling deeply, summons her two sons for a family huddle. Despite being fully grown, Dave and Mike still reside at home. They have a comfortable life here, with their doting mother, a spacious house, and very few obligations. When Sue steps into the living room, she discovers them lounging on the sofa, engrossed in the television. She takes a seat, switches off the TV, and declares that she has an announcement. They're expecting a guest today: Tiffany Wilde. Her parents are undergoing a divorce, and her mom needs their assistance. The boys exchange glances. 'Is Mrs. Wilde alright?' Dave inquires, worried. Sue, attempting to hide her agitation, clarifies that the mother simply isn't in a position to care for Tiffany at the moment. She needs to prioritize her own well-being. Therefore, they're stepping in to help by hosting Tiffany. 'Of course,' Mike agrees. 'What do you need from us, mom?' Sue embraces her sons and then starts pacing the room, detailing everything they need to do to prepare for the girl's arrival. As she rattles off instructions, the boys exchange another telling look. CUT to Tiffany in the backseat of a car, her luggage beside her. She sits in silence, her eyes glossed over with tears as she gazes out of the window. She appears utterly lost. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Fast forward two weeks. Sue observes from the kitchen window as Tiffany, Dave, and Mike frolic in the backyard. The trio laugh and jest as they roughhouse, and Sue couldn't feel more relieved. She covertly snaps a photo to send to Diane, texting her that her daughter is much improved now. It's helpful for her to have some breathing room while everything gets resolved. CUT to the outside scene. As the trio tussle and laugh, it all seems harmless until Mike pulls Tiffany onto his lap. She squirms to escape, still chuckling, but the camera lingers on his face as his expression morphs into something more serious. The following day, Tiffany, Dave, and Mike are lounging, engrossed in the TV and munching on chips when Sue descends the stairs with an overnight bag. 'My rideshare has arrived!' She announces. Dave springs up to assist. 'Are you sure you don't want one of us to drive you to the airport, mom?' He offers. She reassures him that it's a short ride and she'll only be away for the weekend. She bids everyone farewell and leaves the trio to their own devices. They resume watching TV and Dave casually drapes his arm around Tiffany. She notices but snuggles into him regardless. After all, he's always been like an elder brother to her. She feels completely secure. CUT to the bathroom that evening. Tiffany is soaking in the bathtub when Mike unceremoniously enters. Initially, she covers herself, mortified at being seen unclothed, but he dismisses it. 'Relax! I just need to pee,' he states nonchalantly. 'It's not like I've never seen you naked before!' Tiffany looks down at her body with discomfort. She's uncertain of how to react, and Mike picks up on this. '...At the lake, remember? Our childhood? All those summer holidays our families spent together?' Tiffany can't help but reflect on the past and her eyes well up. 'That's right ...' she murmurs, trailing off. Mike washes his hands and, noticing her change in demeanor, sits beside the tub. 'Is everything alright?' He questions. Tiffany breaks down and, through her tears, confesses the real reason she's living at their house. Her father is a substance abuser. For many years, they dealt with it privately. Dad would spend all his leisure time in the back with his pals. Mom would cope. But then he stopped working. And then he abandoned them, running off with another woman. Mom attempted suicide because of it. That's why Sue took her in. Mom's still in the mental health ward for evaluation. They're uncertain if she will ever recover. By the end of her confession, Tiffany is weeping so profusely that Mike reaches over and embraces her. At first, it appears entirely sincere, but Mike doesn't let go and instead, begins to slide his hands