The Watcher

The scene begins with a wide shot of a dilapidated shack. It's the break of dawn. Transition to the interior. The legs of a vagabond protrude from a tarp as he lies huddled on the earthen floor, encircled by trash and used food containers. Through a grime-filled perspective, we observe him remove the tarp and sit up to witness the sun rays seeping through the cracks in the door. His face is concealed by his hooded sweatshirt, yet he is a tall, formidable figure. He sifts through his rubbish before picking up a worn-out adult magazine and grudgingly flips open its adhesive pages. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Several hours later. The man, still cloaked in his hoodie, leans against a curb soliciting for money. Pedestrians disregard him entirely. JUMP CUT to a close-up of the man's filthy shoes as he stumbles along the roadside, panning up to reveal him holding a tall can shrouded in a brown bag. He approaches a park entrance. Through a grime-filled lens, we observe him look around before deciding to venture within. JUMP CUT to the man trekking through a secluded, forested area at the park's rear. He has come here to peruse more of his magazine. As he settles near the boundary fence, he hears a woman's laughter and pauses. Through a grime-filled perspective, we observe as he cautiously stands and edges towards the sound of the woman. Through the clearing, a couple has spread a blanket under some trees and are engaging in a passionate embrace. Jenny, the woman, titters and playfully wrestles with Paul, her boyfriend, who is attempting to amorously remove her clothes. The man watches and listens, their casual conversation revealing they are a new couple on a date. They are both university students. Paul is eager for intimacy while Jenny is apprehensive. She is reluctant to engage in public sex for fear of being discovered. He reassures her, insisting that nobody ever ventures to the park's rear. 'Besides, we are both of legal age,' he adds. 'And it would merely be a minor offense ... isn't it worth the risk?!' She laughs and accuses him of being a bad influence, as they continue kissing. The camera alternates between a wide shot of the couple, with the man looming in the background, and his grime-filled perspective. Ultimately, succumbing to the pressure, Paul suggests they return to his place for sex instead ... and Jenny enthusiastically consents. They pack up and depart, while the man continues to observe. JUMP CUT to the man's grime-filled perspective as he watches Paul and Jenny enter his house, inadvertently leaving the door slightly ajar. Cautiously, the man creeps forward and quietly steps inside after them. He can hear their voices from the other side of the house. Panting heavily, he navigates through the main floor towards the bedroom. He peeks inside and observes the couple kissing passionately in bed. Paul is removing Jenny's top as they kiss fervently, and she unfastens his belt. She starts to manually stimulate him, as the camera alternates between the room's interior and the man's grime-filled perspective. Paul pleads for oral sex, but she continues to laugh and extract twigs from his dirty shorts. 'Let's just have a quick rinse first,' she teases. 'And then you can do whatever the hell you want to me!' Paul moans and nods, guiding Jenny off the bed and out of the room, as they strip and narrowly miss the man who has dodged around the corner. From a grime-filled perspective, he hears the shower start and then sneaks into the bedroom to secure a better view. He decides to conceal himself inside the closet. Moments later, the couple reenter the room, naked and ready for sex. The closet door remains in the frame as they start to indulge, completely oblivious to the fact they are being watched.