The Housemaid's Tale

An affluent gentleman (Charles Dera) descends the staircase of his residence and rounds the corner into the living area. Engrossed in his mobile device, he collides with a lady (Valentina Nappi), a domestic worker who was tidying up. He offers his apologies and deduces that she must be the new housekeeper dispatched from the cleaning service. She affirms in slightly accented English. He extends a warm welcome to her as a new member of his staff, and she reciprocates with a cordial and respectful 'Thank you, Mr. Bradley'. He insists on informality and requests her to call him Trent. When he inquires about her name, it is evident that he finds her attractive. She introduces herself as Rosa. Trent's curiosity about her accent prompts him to ask her nationality, to which she responds, 'Italian'. Trent exclaims, 'Ah, Italian!' and brags about his proficiency in Italian, demonstrating it with a phrase in French. Rosa, a bit flustered, admits her ignorance of French. Trent, undeterred by his mistake, continues to boast about his frequent work-related travels and his worldwide experiences. When he questions her travel preferences, she discloses that she hasn't ventured beyond Italy until her recent relocation. She also reveals her humble background and her current situation, where she cleans houses for a living and sends money to her folks back home whenever possible. Trent disregards her predicament and insists that she is missing out by not traveling for leisure. He invades her personal space, seemingly impervious to her discomfort. Seemingly misinterpreting Rosa's politeness as friendliness, Trent becomes audacious. He asks her if she's visited any local Italian restaurants, particularly a luxurious one. Rosa, maintaining a strained smile, denies having done so. Trent, appearing unsurprised, proposes to take her there, claiming it as the best five-star establishment in town and boasting about his personal acquaintance with the head chef. Rosa interrupts him, expressing her gratitude but explaining her policy against dating clients. Trent's smile falters, and he laughs awkwardly, ridiculing the idea of him paying his housekeeper for a date. This leads to a heated exchange, with Trent asserting his success with supermodels and pop stars, and denying any interest in his housekeeper. As Trent's temperament escalates, Rosa attempts to pacify him. She concedes to his accusations and apologizes, blaming her misunderstanding on her limited English proficiency. Trent's demeanor softens at her admission, and he resumes his patronizing attitude. He accepts her apology and promises to speak slower for her comprehension. Reluctantly, Rosa thanks him, and he excuses her to resume her work. As he walks past her, patting her on the shoulder, he fails to notice her flinch. TITLE PLATE CUT TO days later, Rosa is seen scrubbing the floor while wearing a more flattering outfit that accentuates her figure but remains modest and practical. Trent sneaks up on her, observing her with voyeuristic interest. After silently admiring her, Trent compliments her dress. Rosa, initially startled, sighs with relief and chides him for startling her. He apologizes and hopes she's not still upset about their previous misunderstanding. Rosa dismisses the incident and asserts her commitment to his satisfaction. Trent is pleased with her response and compliments her dress again. Rosa thanks him and reveals that she's wearing it for someone special, which Trent assumes is him. She excitedly shares her romantic dinner plans and teases about possibly skipping dessert. Trent, intrigued, encourages her to elaborate. Rosa shares more about her plans and requests to leave early to prepare. He consents. As Rosa thanks him and begins to gather her cleaning supplies, she mentions her boyfriend and their impending anniversary. This catches Trent off guard. Enraged, he confronts her about her perceived manipulation and threatens to get her deported. He kicks a bucket of water, leaving Rosa to clean up the mess. The next day, Rosa is surprised to find Trent at the house upon her arrival. He inquires about her date, which she nervously admits was fine. He observes her plain attire and expresses his preference for more revealing clothes. He demands that she strip naked for her cleaning tasks, threatening to cut off the funds she's been sending to her parents. Fearful and humiliated, Rosa complies. As she undresses, Trent watches with keen interest. When she's completely naked, he instructs her to clean. He points out missed spots and continues to watch her. Rosa turns around to find Trent with his erect penis out. She recoils in horror while Trent insists that this is just the beginning. As he undresses, he warns her about the potential consequences of refusing him. Rosa, defeated, finally kneels down and complies.