Cum Inside

FADE IN on a young woman, Meg (Gianna Dior), scantily clad in her underwear, sprawled on her bed. She is erotically grinding against a pillow, moaning with pleasure as she moves rhythmically. She's clutching her phone, pausing her sensual movements whenever a new message arrives to type a response. 'Yes, I am all alone right now, my parents won't be back for hours,' she says aloud, grinning as she types and sends the message. She resumes her intimate self-exploration. Not long after, her phone buzzes again. 'Yes, I am over 18 - eggplant emoji,' she says, verbalizing her text down to the emoji she appends for dramatic effect. She returns to her erotic pleasures. Seconds pass, and her phone vibrates a third time. 'Oooh, I can't wait for you to fill me up,' she says as she types. As she sends the text, she types another message. 'My address is...'. She hits send. Almost instantly, a one-line reply appears on her phone screen. 'See you soon.' it reads. Smiling, Meg puts her phone down and continues her self-indulgence with the pillow. Her derriere is hypnotizing in her scanty underwear as she gyrates her hips. She moistens a finger of her now free hand, slips it into her underwear, and begins to stroke her intimate area, pressing in deeper after each rhythmic forward motion into the pillow. After about half a minute, she pauses to retrieve a dildo and lubricant from her nightstand drawer. She lowers her underwear, applies the lubricant to the dildo with gentle strokes, and then slides it into herself, moaning softly as she penetrates deeper. She begins to thrust the dildo into herself while stimulating herself with her fingers. Her phone buzzes again, and Meg wonders aloud if he got lost. She checks the messages and finds one from a different man. Reading it silently, she grins and bites her lip. 'I'm occupied for a little while... but how about in an hour?' she says as she types. With one hand, she types her message while the other continues to play with her lubricated intimate area as she waits for a response. 'Sure, I can host. I'll text you the address...' She types quickly and hits send. As she begins to type another message - 'I can't wait for you to...' - the scene cuts to the title card before she can say 'fill me up'. TITLE CARD CUT TO another day, Meg is casually dressed and tidying up her room, dancing energetically. Her buttocks sway enticingly as she moves. The scene is shot from a male perspective, lingering for a good half-minute. Then, suddenly, the perspective switches to a voyeuristic view from outside her slightly open window. The scene returns to the interior of her room, before cutting back to the voyeur's view. After cleaning, Meg decides to relax with a bath. We watch her undress from the male perspective within her room, then switch to the voyeur's view as she leaves the room. After a few moments of staring into the empty room, the voyeuristic perspective seems to rise and walk forward. CUT TO the bathroom, where Meg is naked and preparing a bath. She checks the water temperature, then makes an impatient face. After waiting for a short while, she hears a faint creaking sound from another room. She strains her ears to listen, then calls out to see if anyone is there. Peeking around the bathroom door, she sees a stranger (Seth Gamble) looking back at her. The intruder stands nonchalantly, hands in his tattered jacket pockets, his hood covering his head. He appears menacing and intimidating. Meg's heart pounds and her breathing becomes shallow and panicky, clearly terrified by the stranger lurking just outside her bathroom. She demands to know what he's doing and how he got inside. The stranger replies, 'You left your door open,' in a chillingly calm soft voice. His tranquility heightens Meg's fear, causing her to recoil slightly. When asked why he's there, he replies, 'I got your invitation.' Meg scans him nervously, still terrified but also puzzled. She hasn't sent him any invitations. The intruder warns her to be more cautious when sharing her address online, reminding her of the dangers of the internet. Meg musters her courage in an attempt to hide her fear. 'I'm not really up for sex right now,' she says, trying to negotiate with him. 'That's unfortunate,' he replies, sounding disappointed, 'I am.' Meg swallows hard and tries to ignore his response. She suggests that he could leave his contact information for a potential encounter another time. The intruder objects, asking why not now? He