Seven Minutes In Hell

Laura, played by Jaye Summers, sits alone on a staircase, quietly observing the ongoing party. It's late in the night and the once crowded, vibrant event has begun to wind down. Most of the guests have departed, leaving behind a basement scattered with red cups, drink bottles, snack bowls, and general clutter. The ten or so teenagers that remain are casually lounging around, while soft party music plays in the background. They engage in small groups or pairs, leaving Laura as the odd one out. An enthusiastic guy descends the stairs, clumsily holding a drink-filled red cup in each hand. He nearly spills his drinks on Laura as he passes her without an apology, leaving her with a disgruntled expression. Laura remains seated in silence, her attention clearly focused on a specific individual - Vince, played by Zac Wild. He's across the room, sharing laughs and conversation with a pretty girl, stirring feelings of envy within Laura. Suddenly, her attention is diverted when Janet, the host of the party and Laura's best friend, decides to liven things up by flashing her breasts to catch everyone's attention. She proposes a game of Seven Minutes In Heaven, which is met with groans and mockery. Janet insists it won't be the typical adolescent version of the game, but rather a more adult version, provided all parties involved consent. She presents a handful of torn paper scraps with everyone's names written on them, and announces she'll be drawing one male and one female participant. Janet proceeds to divide the paper scraps into two containers, and draws two names. Felicia and Brad are announced as the first pair to participate. They exchange nervous smiles and shrugs before being ushered by Janet to begin their seven minutes. Noticing Laura sitting alone, Janet joins her on the stairs and inquires about her enjoyment of the party. Laura replies nonchalantly, but Janet can tell she is not being truthful. She calls Laura out on her obvious interest in Vince, encouraging her to take initiative and approach him. Men appreciate women who are assertive, she advises. Their conversation is interrupted when Felicia emerges from the room, ending her seven minutes prematurely. She dismisses Brad as being too hairy. Brad, attempting to save face, suggests some women find a hairy chest appealing. Felicia retorts that she wasn't referring to his chest, eliciting laughter from the partygoers. Janet proceeds to draw the next two names. The first is Vince, who responds to his name being called out with a triumphant gesture, earning the encouragement of his friends. Janet reads the next name, which happens to be her own, but quickly decides against it and announces Laura's name instead. Laura tries to decline participation, suggesting that Felicia could take her place, but Vince interjects, expressing his contentment with the pairing. Laura, flustered but reassured by Vince's charm, agrees to participate and they retreat to the designated room. In the room, Vince asks Laura where they should begin. Laura suggests they could just talk, or even remain silent if he prefers. Vince questions why he wouldn't want to do something with her, complimenting her as one of the most attractive girls in school. He admits his hesitation in approaching her due to his fear of coming off too strong, but hoped she would initiate contact. Laura is surprised and flustered, but Vince reassures her, suggesting that fate must've brought them together. Laura expresses her consent to his advances, leading to their intimate encounter. Meanwhile, the remaining partygoers are curious about the ongoing silence from the room. Kyle, one of the guests, suggests checking on them, despite Janet's disapproval. He insists it's for their safety and sneaks into the room to find Vince and Laura in the middle of their liaison. He returns to the group, revealing what he witnessed, sparking a flurry of gossip among the partygoers. Despite Janet's attempts to maintain Laura's privacy, the curiosity of the group leads them towards the room, leaving Laura oblivious to the imminent exposure of her intimate encounter with Vince.