His Brother's Blessing

A young pair, Sammy (Will Pounder) and Angela (Bobbi Dylan), move from another part of the house to the kitchen, their arms wrapped around each other's waist. They whisper sweet nothings and engage in amicable banter as they stroll. Sammy is recounting a tale about the staircase, where he almost cracked his skull against the railing. Angela chuckles at the story and remarks on how much calmer he is now. As they move around the kitchen, Sammy can't help but rave about his brother, Dirk (Chad White). Angela begins to express her anxiety about meeting him, given Dirk's importance to Sammy. What if he doesn't approve of her? Sammy reassures her that his brother will absolutely adore her, everyone does. After all, she's perfect. Angela blushes and refutes that she's not perfect, but Sammy begins to enumerate her virtues—she's kind, intelligent, loyal, and stunningly attractive. Their conversation is cut short by the sound of the front door unlocking and opening, followed by the thud of heavy boots. Sammy anticipates excitedly, holding onto his apprehensive fiancée's hands, until eventually, Dirk, donned in a police uniform, enters the kitchen. Dirk embraces Sammy in a hearty hug, then playfully tousles his younger brother's hair. Dirk then turns his attention to Angela, remarking that she must be the one. Angela, somewhat nervous, greets him and extends her hand for a handshake. Dirk dismisses the formality, insisting they're practically family, and embraces her instead. Angela, a bit flustered, reciprocates the hug. However, Dirk's hand slides down her back to rest on her waist, making the hug feel more intimate than anticipated. Angela's expression shifts to unease as they stay in the embrace a moment longer before breaking apart. Dirk mentions how Sammy has spoken highly of her, expressing his excitement to finally meet her after all this time. Sammy then reveals the reason for their visit - he has proposed to Angela. He presents the engagement ring to his brother. Dirk congratulates them, admitting he had anticipated this. He playfully complains about how Angela has practically stolen Sammy away from him. Sammy apologizes for his absence and expresses his eagerness for Dirk to finally meet Angela, hoping to secure his brother's approval for their marriage. Dirk looks forward to getting to know Angela better, but first, they must celebrate. They decide on a feast, courtesy of Dirk. Sammy leaves to collect the takeout menus from another room. As Sammy departs, Dirk places his hand on Angela's shoulder. What first appears as a comforting gesture soon turns sinister as he leans in and whispers threateningly into her ear, 'I know what you did.' Angela's eyes widen in fear, but Dirk quickly resumes his jovial demeanor as Sammy reenters the room. Sammy snaps Angela from her anxious thoughts, asking for her opinion on the takeout options. She musters a smile and chooses one. Once they've selected their meals, Dirk suggests Sammy go pick up their food, allowing him and Angela some time to get to know each other better. Angela is visibly uncomfortable by the proposition but agrees nonetheless. As Sammy leaves, Dirk casually inquires about how long Angela has known Sammy. She responds that it's been two years. Dirk accuses Angela of putting up a facade. Angela feigns ignorance, but Dirk urges her to stop pretending. He references his status as a police officer and his knowledge of her criminal past. Angela rebukes him, calling him a pig, but Dirk is unfazed. Angela asks how he discovered her past. Dirk explains that he used his resources at work to dig into her history, ensuring his brother was not getting serious with the wrong girl. Angela questions the legality of his actions, but Dirk deflects and points out her own criminal record. Angela insists that she's changed, and pleads for Dirk to understand. Dirk doubts her reformation, pointing out her lies to Sammy. Angela admits that she hasn't come clean to Sammy about her past, much to Dirk's satisfaction. Angela pleads for understanding, but Dirk is skeptical. He taunts Angela with the possibility of Sammy finding out about her past and potentially calling off their engagement. Dirk suggests that Angela would do anything to keep her secret, including satisfying his sexual desires. Angela reluctantly agrees, swearing it's for Sammy's sake. Dirk, flaunting his arousal, retorts that she can tell herself whatever she needs to feel better.