Biography Of A Virgin

Mr. Davies (Michael Vegas) is working late into the night, marking assignments in his home workspace. He's just about done, thankfully, but when he begins to read the last paper, time appears to drag on. The composition is by a young woman (Carolina Sweets) embracing her status as an 18-year-old virgin. Betty is proud, acknowledging that her chastity is a unique treasure -- something she doesn't wish to relinquish to just anyone... Mr. Davies becomes fixated on this pupil, her words, 'I'm a virgin,' echoing repeatedly in his mind, gradually driving him to a state of intense desire. It's as if she's beckoning him to be that special person to make her whole... The following day, he requests Betty to come over to discuss her beautifully penned essay. Betty, being naive, is pleased to be in the company of a teacher she admires. However, when Mr. Davies begins to shower her with more praise than she's used to, she becomes doubtful of his real motives. Finally, Mr. Davies inquires if she senses it as well? The bond between them? When he perused her essay, it felt as though it was exclusively crafted for HIM -- as if she was inviting HIM to have the privilege of claiming her chastity. Betty is taken aback, vehemently denying that was her intention, but Mr. Davies holds sway over her. If she doesn't surrender herself to him, he might prevent her from graduating or getting admitted to reputable colleges. He has the power to shatter all her dreams with a single report card... To protect her reputation, she yields to Mr. Davies' warped fantasy, prepared to sacrifice her virginity to prevent him from taking EVERYTHING from her.