Eye For An Eye

Kristen Scott (Alexis) and Vanna Bardot (Cori), two companions, depart from their school, anticipating the arrival of Cori's father to fetch her. They exchange some pleasantries and Alexis curiously inquires about Cori's relationship with her boyfriend, Jason. Being a reserved and religious girl, Cori attempts to dodge discussing the intimate details of her relationship with Jason. However, Alexis teases her to share the details, emphasizing their bond as best friends. Finally, Cori concedes and reveals that Jason once attempted to coax her into performing oral sex on him, but she reminded him of their agreement to abstain until marriage. She mentions that marriage is a distant reality as she is only 18 and Jason still has a few college years left. Before this incident, Jason had always been understanding and patient, but his behavior has changed since then. She fears that her refusal to engage in sexual activities might drive him away. Alexis advises her not to make Jason wait for so long and to secure such a great guy. Many girls would be glad to be with him, she adds. Cori jokingly pushes Alexis, stating that any girl interested in Jason would have to deal with her first. Alexis grins and shrugs, saying that if he's 'the one' for Cori, then he'll wait. Cori then curiously asks Alexis about her first sexual experience. Alexis reveals it wasn't anything exciting. Cori jests that it was with that geek from their physics class, the one they called Freckles. Alexis admits that it was an impulsive decision on her 18th birthday. She wanted to do something adventurous and he was the first guy she encountered. However, she insists that as far as everyone knows, she lost her virginity to the charming quarterback, Taggart, behind the school bleachers. Cori then hesitates, looking guilty. She confesses to Alexis that she defended Freckles against some girls in their biology class who were mocking him for being a virgin. She may have mentioned that it was Alexis who deflowered him. Alexis is heartbroken and cannot believe that Cori betrayed her. Cori apologizes, explaining that she didn't mean to hurt her. She felt sorry for Freckles and couldn't bear the girls' mockery. Alexis is horrified, thinking that everyone will now view her as a loser. Cori continues trying to appease Alexis, who is her best friend. She didn't mean to hurt her intentionally. She proposes to treat Alexis to dinner as a gesture of apology. Alexis dismisses the offer, revealing that she has plans. When Cori asks if there's anything she can do to earn her forgiveness, Alexis assures her that she was overreacting. Cori is relieved that Alexis isn't angry with her anymore. As Cori's father arrives, she walks towards his car, waves to Alexis, and apologizes once more. She cheerfully wishes Alexis a fun evening, to which Alexis responds that she will fill Cori in on the details the next day. As Cori leaves, Alexis' expression turns dark and furious. She is quietly boiling with anger and looks ready to explode. TITLE PLATE CUT TO Jason (Nathan Bronson) in his house, engrossed in his schoolwork. A knock on the door interrupts him, and he opens it to find Alexis standing there. He is startled to see her and inquires about Cori's whereabouts. Is Cori alright? Alexis calm him down and mentions that she was nearby and wanted to catch up. She says it seems like he's so busy lately. Jason apologizes, explaining that college is far more demanding than high school. He admits he is a bit envious of Alexis and Cori. Alexis is surprised by his confession and admits that she is the one who's envious of Cori. Jason looks puzzled, so Alexis explains that he's smart, hardworking, polite, and attractive. He deserves more in life. Jason is taken aback and asks Alexis to clarify. Alexis teases him, saying she's aware of his situation with Cori and how they're saving themselves for marriage. Jason is flustered and tells Alexis he doesn't want to talk about his sex life. Alexis corrects him saying he's sacrificing a lot for Cori, but what is Cori sacrificing for him? Jason stammers, saying that's not how relationships work. Alexis continues to press him, saying Cori's refusal to perform oral sex, despite preserving her virginity, was selfish. She has denied him the basic pleasures of a relationship, and even made him feel guilty for desiring more. Jason shouldn't feel guilty for these natural urges. Alexis stands and walks around the table to stand behind him. She wraps her arms around him, running her hands over his chest. She flirts with him, confessing her