Brother's Wrath

The scene begins with a gentle man, Mr. Adams, seated at a cafe table while Mandy (Gia Derza) approaches him with a mug of coffee. Mandy's smile is present but lacks warmth, not reaching her lackluster eyes. Her movements are sluggish, as if every action requires a significant amount of energy. 'Your coffee,' she tells her instructor. Mr. Adams expresses his gratitude as she slowly takes a seat across from him. She appears to be in a trance, and Mr. Adams is noticeably worried about her state. After she settles in, he thanks her for welcoming him into her home. He doesn't typically visit his students at their residences -- this being his first occasion -- but he felt the need to look in on Mandy. 'For what reason, sir?' Mandy inquires, her voice still soft and distant. Mr. Adams clears his throat, explaining that she's been absent from many classes recently. He's worried about her, understanding the pain of losing a loved one as he's lost his mother too. He wants to assure her that support is available whenever she needs it. Mandy assures him she's alright, mentioning that her step-brother, Ryan (Seth Gamble), is now taking care of her. Upon hearing his name, Mr. Adams appears more troubled, expressing his desire to discuss her relationship with Ryan. Is everything okay between them? The camera zooms in on Mandy's face, her smile forced and eyes vacant. 'Yes, absolutely, everything's fine.' TITLE PLATE Mr. Adams seems unconvinced and prepares to speak, but is interrupted by his phone ringing. He checks it, then hesitates as he mentions he has to leave. He thanks her for the coffee and stands, while she offers a vacant smile in response. He advises her to reach out to him should she need ANYTHING... Mandy repeats that she's fine but thanks him for his worry. Mr. Adams remains conflicted, but eventually departs. Once the door shuts, another man speaks up from behind Mandy. 'Why was he here?' Ryan inquires, his voice defensive. She explains that he was checking up on her. Ryan's expression darkens as he moves closer. 'And what did you tell him?' he questions, his tone threatening. 'I told him the truth, of course, that everything is alright and that he doesn't need to worry about me,' she answers. Ryan smirks, patting her hair as one would a pet. 'Good girl,' he commends mockingly. Mandy doesn't react to the strokes or the compliment, remaining distant from everything. Ryan then carries on, asking if Mandy is curious about his day. Mandy offers a hollow apology and asks about his day. Ryan excitedly talks about his girlfriend, who he recently returned from a date with. She's perfect in every aspect... She has large blue eyes, stunning breasts, and endless legs... Mandy tells him she's pleased for him. It seems like Betty brings him a lot of joy. He looks at her strangely and laughs harshly. 'Betty was two girlfriends ago. I'm currently with Lucy, you knew that, silly.' Finally, he grins and wraps his arms around Mandy in a tender yet possessive manner. He whispers into her ear that she doesn't seem very happy for him and his successful relationship with his new girlfriend... He's concerned about her, he states in a sarcastic tone to indicate he really isn't. Maybe it's all the school stress, he suggests. Really, she should consider dropping out if it's becoming too much for her. He then sinisterly tells her that would free up more time for him to care for her, he's always going to be there for her... She's helpless without her big brother, after all. 'Yes, I am,' Mandy agrees, almost absentmindedly, though she raises her hands to touch the arms encircling her, leaning her head back against him. 'Yes, you need me,' Ryan repeats as he presses their heads together, inhaling her scent. He also needs Mandy... She's the only one he can turn to when he has an urge he can't shake. Lucy, Betty, all the other girls he's dated... they're too fragile. He could never ask them to fulfill his needs. But not Mandy, she's a good girl who can handle it. Mandy repeats that, yes, she's a good girl who can handle it... Ryan now begins to touch Mandy in an inappropriate manner. Even though her eyes remain vacant, she offers no resistance to his advances. In fact, she subtly leans into them. It's all automated, as if she's been programmed to respond through past experiences, but it still signals that he can touch her. Mandy allows him to n