
A young lady, Evie (Riley Reyes), is relishing a tranquil day at her residence when an unexpected knock at the door interrupts her peace. A cable technician (Mr. Pete) respectfully introduces himself, although Evie is perplexed as she hasn't requested any repairs. The mix-up is resolved when they figure out that it was Evie's partner, Casey, who arranged for the service. Content with the explanation, Evie allows the man to get on with his task. However, the situation takes a disquieting shift when Evie spots the cable technician leering at a picture of her and her girlfriend. Although he dismisses her concerns and acts oblivious, Evie becomes increasingly uneasy when she notices him aimlessly roaming around the apartment, neglecting his duties. She begins to have a strange feeling that something is off and is about to secretly contact her girlfriend when the cable technician suddenly re-emerges. 'Who ARE you?!' she challenges, unprepared for the revelation that follows. The man introduces himself as Mitchell, Casey's former lover -- the same man Casey abandoned to be with Evie. It's clear that he's deeply hurt that his girlfriend deserted him for another woman. Mitchell is convinced that Evie seduced Casey, snatching her away from him. He wants Casey to experience the heart-wrenching pain of being left... And he is determined to use Evie, Casey's sweetheart, to accomplish his mission.