Sins Of The Father

SCENE BEGINS with a shut door in a corridor. Shortly after, Jillian (Lexi Lore) emerges, switching off the restroom light as she steps into the passageway. The residence is absolutely silent as she tiptoes down the corridor to her chamber. Suddenly, a soft tapping noise echoes from an unseen location. TAP. TAP. Jillian halts, glancing over her shoulder in the direction of the sound. The tapping persists, growing progressively louder until it morphs into a booming THUD. Jillian recoils, a look of terror etched on her features, but she has now pinpointed the origin of the disturbance: the loft. She advances towards the loft. Suddenly, the house is eerily quiet. The silence seems to suck the breath out of her as she nears the loft entrance. As Jillian's hand extends to clutch the rope dangling from the loft door, it appears as though she's holding her breath. Suddenly, a shadowy figure standing in the hallway startles her. She shrieks in fear, backing away from the figure. But then, her shoulders droop with relief when she recognizes him: her father, Stan. When she speculates that the loft is haunted by the spirits of her father's deceased first wife and unborn child, Stan vehemently rejects her concerns. 'Really, GHOSTS?! Good Lord, you're 18 YEARS OLD! MATURE A BIT, for heaven's sake! I'm your DAMN father, so start HEEDING my words and DROP IT,' he retorts, shaking his head in obvious frustration. She shrinks back at his outburst, appearing astounded and perplexed, as if his words have made her see things differently. O-ok dad, Jillian stutters, utterly shaken. She turns to retreat to her bedroom. 'And Jillian? DON'T mention this to your mother. I don't want you filling her head with these absurd notions. You KNOW how befuddled she gets,' Stan advises. Jillian silently agrees. She arrives at her bedroom door, swinging it open. Before reentering, she casts a lingering glance back down the hallway, her eyes fixated on the loft door. CUT TO TITLE The following day, Jillian's curiosity overcomes her and she ascends to the loft. She surveys the room, her eyes wide with shock and trepidation. The loft is disorganized and eerie, but in the most cleared space, she spots a sort of nest made of old, ragged blankets, next to a rusty bucket. As her fear escalates, she looks around. Suddenly, as her gaze scans the surroundings, she squints. What IS that? She looks closer. Her eyes widen and she staggers back, petrified. She clasps her hand over her mouth, her eyes pooling with horrified tears. In the corner, huddled like a rodent, is a dirty, unkempt young man (Michael Vegas). He is clad in only underpants and looks back at her, initially with a blend of fear and confusion. 'A-are you---who are---?' she stammers, at a loss. The man's eyes reveal almost no comprehension. How long has he---?, she queries, her voice trailing off as she glances again at the mattress and bucket. He looks back at her in fear and her eyes soften with compassion. 'Who...who did this to you?' she gently inquires. Something changes in his eyes. 'NOT MY SON! NOT MY SON!' he snarls, repeating a phrase from his past. Confused, she tries to delve deeper. 'Not WHOSE son?! What are you trying to say?! Did someone SAY that to you??' she gently probes. 'SON OF A CHEATING HARLOT!' the man blurts out in a frenzy. Someone was unfaithful?? Who is he REFERRING to??, Jillian questions. 'NOT mine! NOT Mine!' the man repeats aggressively. Realization gradually washes over Jillian's face. This man, who is more beast than human, is about to unleash his untamed sexual desires on Jillian, but not before she uncovers the horrifying truth about him...and the secret of the transgression that her father is so eager to conceal.