Quid Pro Quo

SCENE STARTS with Mr. Jennings (Steve Holmes) opening his door. Standing there is Michelle (Naomi Swann), looking anxious and hesitant. "Ah, Michelle!" Mr. Jennings greets with a warm smile. "Please, come in," he invites. Silently, Michelle steps inside. "I'm so thrilled you're here. You can't imagine how grateful I am for your visit!" Mr. Jennings expresses cheerfully. "Well... it's not like I had many options," Michelle retorts, a hint of scorn in her voice. "Oh Michelle, don't be like that. I'm just your EDUCATOR. I don't have control over your actions! You're an adult, you make your OWN choices," Mr. Jennings replies. "But a choice that you made...a WRONG one, I should say, is what brought you here today," he adds. "Anyway! Luckily for you, we've found a way to rectify that mistake," he continues in a stern mentor-like manner. "How about we call my lovely daughter down here? I can't WAIT for you to meet her!" Mr. Jennings says. He calls out for Holly. Shortly after, Holly (Emily Willis) walks into the living room. "Hi! You must be Michelle?" Holly greets with enthusiasm. "Yeah...hi," Michelle responds, smiling politely. "Ready to get started?" Holly inquires. "Um, yeah, sure, and...thank you again for this," Michelle replies. "Yeah of course! My father has never asked me to tutor his students before, I hope I manage!" Holly says with a small laugh, taking a seat next to Michelle. "Oh, I'm sure you'll do WONDERFULLY darling," Mr. Jennings says in a overly-sweet tone. "Thanks, Dad," Holly responds cheerfully. About to leave the room, Mr. Jennings turns back. "And behave yourselves, you two!" he says in a seemingly jesting manner. "Don't worry about us, Dad," Holly chuckles. "Oh, I'm not worried. Actually, I believe the two of you will get along...PERFECTLY," he says with a smile, but a hint of something ominous, something...mysterious lurks beneath his grin. CUT TO TITLE As Holly shows Michelle something on a shared document, circling a point with a pen, she pauses and looks up at Michelle. "So... what's it like having him as your teacher?" Holly inquires, genuinely interested. "Your dad? Well, he's um, he's..." Michelle stammers, seemingly unsure of how to respond as she glances towards the room's doorway. We don't see what she's looking at. "Actually, he's my STEP-dad," Holly corrects. "Oh...I didn't know that," Michelle admits. "Yeah, he married my mom a few years ago," Holly explains. "I'm 18 now, so it was about...3 years ago?" Holly speculates aloud. "Oh ok, that's interesting," Michelle says, unenthusiastically. "But, my mom passed away last year, so...now it's just the two of us," Holly says, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Oh, I'm...I'm so sorry," Michelle sympathizes sincerely. "That's ok," Holly says, regaining her cheerful demeanor. "So? What IS he like as a teacher?" Holly asks again. "Um..." Michelle says, fidgeting nervously. She glances towards the room's entrance again anxiously, but Holly seems to miss the look. We now see what Michelle is looking at: Mr. Jennings, who is secretly observing from the doorway, unbeknownst to his daughter. When Michelle catches his eye, he gives her a stern glare. "He's...he's really nice," Michelle finally says. Holly laughs. "Don't worry, you can say it," Holly says. "Say what?" Michelle asks cautiously. "That he's a goofball," Holly laughs. "With all his silly phrases and corny jokes," Holly comments. "Oh...yeah," Michelle says, forcing a laugh and glancing again at the room's entrance. Aware that Mr. Jennings is watching, Michelle becomes slightly flirtatious with Holly. Mr. Jennings observes impatiently. Michelle starts to allure Holly as Mr. Jennings watches with increasing satisfaction. The seduction works, and Michelle leans in to kiss Holly. Holly returns the kiss cautiously, but as the moment takes over, Holly kisses Michelle back with growing passion. From the doorway, we see Mr. Jennings. His eyes are glowing as he watches, licking his lips. Caught in the thrill, the girls' makeout intensifies as Mr. Jennings watches, stroking himself through his trousers. Realizing she got