New Family Rule
Two step-siblings, Eddie (portrayed by Jay Romero) and Sara (played by Demi Hawks), return home from school, expecting a typical day. However, they are taken aback when they are welcomed by their stepfather and stepmother, Gordon (played by Tommy Pistol) and Alice (played by Katie Morgan), who are completely naked. The couple explains that they've chosen to adopt a nudist lifestyle and extend an invitation to Eddie and Sara to do the same. The siblings are mortified, adamantly refusing to embrace nudism. Despite this, Alice and Gordon maintain they will continue as nudists, leaving Eddie and Sara with no choice but to adjust to their new reality. Several days pass, and the siblings, while watching television, express their incredulity at their parents' continued nudist behavior. They come to the conclusion that they can't expect rationality from their parents anymore. They promise to support and trust one another, finding solace in the fact they each have one reliable family member left. One afternoon, Eddie comes home from soccer training, only to be shocked to find Gordon, Alice, and now Sara, all nude and engaged in a game. Overwhelmed, Eddie retreats to his room, dumbfounded and upset... he and Sara had pledged to stand together! How can he maintain his composure if Sara has also succumbed to this lifestyle? Sara enters his room, attempting to convince Eddie to join the rest of the family in this newfound joy, stating the sheer delight of doing EVERYTHING together as a family in the nude... including sexual activities. Gordon and Alice join her, urging Eddie to partake in their nudist lifestyle...