His Father's Legacy
The scene unfolds with a bereaved widow, Natasha (portrayed by Lisey Sweet), coming home with her 18-year-old stepson, Edwin (played by Codey Steele), following the will reading of her deceased husband (Edwin's father). She's distraught that she was left with nothing, but Edwin vows to assist her in regaining her footing, including offering her to reside in the house he has now inherited. They share a compassionate embrace. Following their embrace, Edwin suggests they commence sorting through his late father's belongings. The sooner they begin, the quicker they can conclude and no longer have to grapple with the will-related issues. They decide to start with a storage locker that belonged to the deceased father. Upon arriving at the locker the following day and opening the door, they are completely taken aback. CUT TO TITLE Natasha and Edwin are both terrified and disgusted as they stumble upon a BDSM chamber, realizing the father led a clandestine life. They feel deceived, but when Edwin sees Natasha examining the equipment, he experiences a sudden sexual awakening. Troubled, Edwin commits to clear out the room. In the subsequent days, unbeknown to Natasha, Edwin gradually becomes enticed by his burgeoning curiosity in the BDSM chamber. He refrains from discarding the equipment and Natasha repeatedly confronts him about it, growing increasingly uncomfortable and frantic. Eventually, Natasha visits the storage locker to check on Edwin's progress, but is stunned to find it remains unchanged. She gets an even bigger shock when Edwin emerges from the shadows, advancing towards her with a wicked smile on his face. Edwin is RESOLUTE in carrying on his father's legacy...