Breaking Curfew

The scene unfolds with two companions cruising along a dimly lit residential area. Inside the vehicle, they are enjoying music and reflecting on the wild party they just left. As they veer off the main road onto a secluded street, the individual in the passenger seat, Amanda, urges her friend to silence the music and lower the headlights. She is wary of her parents catching her returning home past curfew. Upon reaching the house, Amanda exits the car. Her friend offers to wait until she gets inside, but Amanda dismisses her, not wanting to draw attention. She plans to sneak in through the back door as usual. Her friend drives away. When Amanda attempts to enter through the back, she is surprised to find it locked. She circles back to the front and discovers a note from her parents pinned to the door scolding her for breaking curfew again. Frustrated, Amanda tries to open the door, only to realize it's locked. She searches for the spare key under the doormat, but it's missing. With her phone dead, she decides to walk back to the main road in search of a payphone. As she walks, a sense of unease creeps over her, feeling like someone is following. She keeps glancing back into the darkness but sees nothing. Eventually, her anxiety prompts her to stop. Convinced that someone is nearby, she brandishes her mace, warning them to stay back. She slowly turns around, her fists clenched. Amanda begins to walk again, feeling a bit more at ease until someone approaches from behind, spinning her around. She wakes up to find herself in a barn, stripped down to her underwear, lying next to another girl named Jaime. They realize they have been held captive by a disturbed man. Jaime reveals that he has threatened them but hasn't carried out any sexual acts due to his own anxieties. As they discuss their predicament, the man returns to the barn, behaving erratically. Amanda confronts him, demanding their release. In a fit of rage, he grabs Jaime and starts detailing his dark intentions. Hearing a noise outside, he instructs the girls to remain quiet and abruptly exits. Jaime moves closer to Amanda, seeking solace in their shared fear.