The setting begins with Jamie, an attractive 18-year-old female, at her kitchen table engrossed in her school assignments one late afternoon. She's engrossed in transcribing notes from one of her textbooks when the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway and a slammed brake interrupts her. Startled, she hurriedly gathers her belongings and sprints up the stairs, just narrowly avoiding her father as he stumbles into the house.
The intimidating man forcefully shuts the door and commands the 'slut' to go downstairs and prepare his meal. SHIFT TO Jamie, trembling in a corner of her room, as her father storms in after breaking down the door. He takes a swig from his liquor bottle, then undoes his belt and orders Jamie to go downstairs and do as she's been instructed.
Jamie is seen walking down the street in her school uniform, tightly holding her books. Her expression is one of shock and she appears disconnected from her surroundings, almost colliding with a pedestrian as she stares blankly into the distance. SHIFT to a faculty room.
Mr. Harris, the school's guidance counselor, is enjoying his lunch when a fellow teacher asks to join him. They engage in a light conversation about work until the teacher expresses his concerns about one of his students.
Jamie is a smart, talented girl, but something has changed in her this semester. Her once flawless grades have begun to deteriorate and her behavior has become noticeably different. The teacher is worried that something may be wrong at home and seeks advice from Mr.
Harris on how to help. With college applications looming, Mr. Harris suggests that the teacher encourage Jamie to seek counseling.
It's a common occurrence for seniors at this time of year and, while they discuss her post-high school options, he would be more than happy to provide any additional support. The teacher concurs and thanks Mr. Harris before returning to his class.
TEXT PLATE: The Following Day
Mr. Harris is in his office engrossed in a book when a knock interrupts him. He hurriedly puts his book down, reaches into his desk for some mouthwash, and rinses it into his coffee mug before tidying himself up and answering the door.
Jamie is there, appearing timid. She hands him a hall pass from her teacher and informs him that she is meant to see him regarding college applications. Mr.
Harris greets her warmly and invites her in, shutting the door. Mr. Harris asks Jamie to take a seat, then settles behind his desk and observes her.
She is beautiful, yet clearly troubled, with closed body language and a look of anxiety on her face. 'You've never come to see me before,' he starts. She shakes her head.
He then introduces himself and gives her a brief overview of his role at the school. He's been a faculty member for two years and holds an associate degree in psychology. He firmly believes in the importance of counseling, especially during adolescence and the transition from teen to adulthood.
He inquires about her age and Jamie, avoiding eye contact, reveals that she just turned 18. He smiles. 'That was certainly an interesting age,' he reminisces.
'There's a lot of change happening in your life, isn't there? Does it feel like a perfect storm?' Jamie attempts to change the topic. 'My teacher said you had to talk to me about college?' Mr. Harris looks at her for a moment, smiling, before refocusing on the task at hand.
He asks Jamie several questions about her future educational plans. Has she thought about her preferred major and where in the country she'd like to study? Jamie seems very distressed, and she hesitates before expressing her desire to attend Northwestern. but she knows she won't be able to. Mr.
Harris leans in and reassures her. 'You can achieve anything you set your mind to!' He says encouragingly. Jamie glances down at their interlocked hands and appears to be preoccupied by it.
She gently brushes her finger across his. Mr. Harris withdraws and moves behind her.
He begins to explain his role as a counselor. 'I know you were sent in here to talk about one thing,' he starts. 'But I want you to consider this a safe space.
A place where you can talk about anything. ' Jamie keeps her gaze lowered and asks to be excused. She doesn't need an application.
Mr. Harris interrupts her. 'Gone are the days when a counselor like me would simply sit in their office dishing out applications and waiting for a crisis to happen.
' He says. 'I'm here to listen and assist you in any way I can, be it academic, developmental, or personal. ' Jamie looks up at him, tears welling up in her eyes.
From his position, Mr. Harris can sneak a peek down her blouse.