Clinical Trial

The scene unfolds within the confines of a medical examination room as the door swings open. A physician walks in, acknowledging the young lady perched on the consultation table, known as Dr. Greenwood. He expresses his gratitude for her participation in the clinical trial, stating that after a quick preliminary screening, they can commence. Armed with a clipboard and pen, he inquires about her personal details - her name ('Jamie Lawson'), her age ('Just celebrated my 18th birthday two months back'), her pregnancy status ('no'), any past health issues - asthma, cardiac problems, osteoporosis, breast cancer ('no, none'), and her daily physical activity routine ('I engage in lacrosse twice a week, along with daily runs and morning yoga'). He humorously comments on her flexibility, to which she responds with a sarcastic eye-roll, claiming to have heard that line before. After obtaining satisfactory answers, the doctor informs her about the upcoming exercises geared to assess physical stimulation and stress. The requisite equipment is set up in a room down the corridor. Exiting the examination room, Jamie jests about her stress resilience, to which Dr. Greenwood retorts in a smirking manner, 'Rest assured, we'll figure out a way to make you perspire!' CUT TO TITLE PLATEWe resume mid-way through the setup in a larger room, a fusion of medical and fitness gear. Dr. Greenwood is nearly done fixing medical electrodes to her temple and collarbones. The final step before initiating the trial is to measure her resting heart rate for later comparison. As he reaches to strap it around her arm, his hand accidentally grazes her breast. He chuckles awkwardly before apologizing and continues as if nothing happened. Jamie attempts to engage in casual conversation, asking about the purpose of the trial. Her question is met with a vague response from Dr. Greenwood, explaining that discussing the trial details with the subjects could potentially skew the results. Jamie remarks on the higher compensation offered for this study compared to the previous ones she participated in. The doctor, maintaining his elusive demeanor, inquires about her regular involvement in clinical trials. Jamie replies, 'Yes, recently I have been participating more frequently. I need the extra financial aid right now since my dad injured his knee and is unable to work. So, I'm trying to support him as much as I can. It's a burden, but I'm hopeful it won't be long term.' The doctor responds politely, assuring her that they have her contact details for future opportunities. After noting down her blood pressure, he asks for her consent to touch her chest to measure her heart rate. Jamie, looking surprised, agrees reluctantly but questions the unconventional method. Dismissing her query, Dr. Greenwood proceeds to feel her heartbeat, his hand brushing against her breasts again - this time without an apology. Jamie seems flustered and almost voices her concern but decides against it. After an extended awkward silence, the doctor releases his hand from her chest and notes something on the clipboard. He stands up, signaling they're ready to proceed with the exercises. He positions her in the center of the room and instructs her to start with basic jumping jacks. The wires connected to her body lead to a small handheld device he clutches in one hand, the clipboard in the other. After she completes a few jumps, he halts her, asking her to remove her bra as it interferes with the trial. Despite her protests, he insists on its necessity and turns around to afford her some privacy. She lifts her shirt revealing her bra, unfastens it, briefly exposing her breasts before pulling her tank-top back down to cover them. As she continues with the exercise, her breasts bounce beneath her shirt, attracting the attention of both the doctor and the camera. After a series of jumps with no sign of stopping, Jamie, a bit perplexed, asks how many more she is expected to do. Dr. Greenwood, jolted from his trance, nonchalantly asks for five more before moving on to the next exercise. Jamie, clearly frustrated, complies. Next, she is directed to an exercise bike. Dr. Greenwood instructs her to mount it and start pedaling at a comfortable pace. He lingers behind the bike, his gaze fixated on her backside visible through her yoga pants as she cycles. He offers her some words of encouragement. After a while, he moves to the front to increase the pedal resistance, stating, 'We need to see you break out a sweat, let's turn it up a bit, shall we?' She is then asked to resume cycling. CUT to approximately fifteen minutes later - Jamie has been cycling for an extended period, evident from the sweat beads trickling down her face and chest, soaking her workout gear. Although she shows no signs of fatigue, it's clear the workout is demanding. Meanwhile, the