The Rectal Exam

The SCENE begins with a close-up on a woman's bare back, a stethoscope pressed to her skin. The camera follows the doctor's hand as it gently moves the stethoscope lower on her back, causing a giggle and light gasp from the woman without revealing her face. She comments on the coldness of the stethoscope. The camera then focuses on the doctor's mouth, his lip bitten nervously, indicating his distraction by his patient's exposed skin and playful sounds. 'Apologies,' says Dr. Sumner with a slightly awkward laugh, 'could you take another deep breath, please?' We see her bare back rise and fall slowly with her deep breaths, while Dr. Sumner watches, captivated. 'Excellent,' he whispers softly. Realizing he has been staring, he clears his throat and removes the stethoscope from her back. As he turns to face his patient, we see she is an incredibly beautiful woman named Yvette. Dr. Sumner struggles to keep his eyes off her as he speaks. 'Well, your respiratory system seems fine and you're up-to-date with your vaccinations... is there anything else that's been bothering you that you'd like me to check?' Yvette seems hesitant as she attempts to bring up the topic. Indeed, there's something else that's been causing her discomfort, but she finds it a bit embarrassing to discuss. Dr. Sumner reassures her that no topic is taboo, especially not with his favourite patient, and Yvette appears more relaxed. She elaborates that she's been experiencing some discomfort in her... well, her anus, ('butthole' she mumbles quickly), ever since she tried anal sex for the first time with her boyfriend a few days ago. Dr. Sumner is visibly surprised, and stumbles over a response while nervously adjusting his coat and tie. Yvette looks disappointed, she had hoped Dr. Sumner would react more professionally. He apologizes, explaining that he's known her and her family since she was a child and sometimes forgets that she's now a 22-year-old woman. However, she's right, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, what two consenting adults do in their private life is none of his business. He notes that it's not unusual for first-timers to experience some pain and discomfort after anal sex, which usually subsides after a day or two, provided the act was performed slowly and with ample lubricant. Yvette, however, remains uneasy - she's heard of anal fissures and tears. Shouldn't he examine her to ensure it's nothing serious? Dr. Sumner begins to say that it's not necessary given her mild pain, but then stops himself. Actually, she's absolutely correct, he should conduct a thorough examination, for safety's sake. So, if she could please lift her dress, remove her underwear, and bend over the table... CUT TO TITLE PLATE CUT back to a few moments later, now from a male gaze perspective behind Yvette as we gaze directly at her bent-over bottom. Her private parts are fully displayed as she patiently awaits her doctor's examination. He kneels down close, placing one firm hand on each cheek to spread them wider, and stares, entranced for several seconds. 'Uh... doctor?' Yvette asks softly. 'Is everything ok back there?' Dr. Sumner snaps out of his trance and stutters that yes, he's just performing a preliminary visual inspection before proceeding with more detailed tests. He intermittently spreads her buttocks wide to provide the camera with ample close-up shots of her puckered hole - this continues for almost a minute, with the doctor now more consciously making it seem like a proper inspection by adding authoritative sounds like 'mm-hmm', 'ok', 'so far so good', etc. to reassure Yvette. 'Well, on initial examination, everything seems normal, but I'll of course need to palpate the inside of your rectum next, so brace yourself for some mild discomfort.' 'Palpate?' Yvette asks nervously, but Dr. Sumner explains that palpate simply means examining by touch. It's a clinical term for saying he'll be inserting his finger. With lubricant, of course. He asks her to remain in position while he puts on his medical gloves - while doing so, we see that unbeknownst to Yvette, the doctor's attention remains focused on her displayed rear. He applies some lubricant onto his index and middle fingers, then resumes his position behind her. He reminds her that, as he mentioned earlier, she might experience some slight discomfort - then makes a poor joke about how it will be nothing compared to how it must have felt when her boyfriend penetrated her the other night. Yvette laughs nervously, not because the joke was funny,