Cutting The Cord
The scene unfolds with Leah (Jane Wilde), a 19-year-old assistant guide at a traditionalist retreat. The introverted Jewish teen has been a frequent attendee of the camp for numerous years, but this is her first time in a position of authority. This place is also where she met her sweetheart, Josh (Jake Adams), a fellow assistant guide. Their relationship is a year-long bond, and Josh embodies everything her religious parents envision in a future spouse for her. He is from a high-status family with a rich heritage and aspires to pursue medical studies. Once he is settled, they plan to tie the knot. Everything seems meticulously planned. However, while preparing their shelter for the annual wilderness initiation event of the camp, Leah battles with inner turmoil. She adores Josh, but the thought of spending her lifetime with him makes her apprehensive. He is her only intimate partner. This summer serves as her final opportunity to discover herself before she commits to him for life. She scrutinizes the checklist on her board, while Josh struggles to finalize the setup of their shelter in the background. He is engrossed in discussing the different groups at the camp and reassures Leah that her family's lower income won't affect her acceptance. As his partner, she will be accepted by everyone. Moreover, they are assistant guides, practically in charge of the camp! As Leah gives a distracted acknowledgment, she spots a senior guide approaching them. Charlie (Danny Mountain), the only non-Jewish guide in the camp, was incorporated a few years back as a football instructor. Leah has been intrigued by him since. He is British, mid-aged, athletic, and entirely the opposite of what her parents would endorse. Charlie walks over with a hearty laugh and checks if Josh needs assistance. 'Still a bunch of shelters to be prepared before the boys show up, mate!' Josh displays annoyance. 'I'll get them done,' he responds. Charlie gives a playful wink to Leah before leaving to converse with another guide. Leah gazes at him from afar, transfixed, as Josh mutters. She retreats into a fantasy where she imagines Charlie kissing her and guiding her down to her knees. She gazes at his arousal as he unveils his uncircumcised penis and drapes it over her face. She snaps back to reality when Josh calls her name repeatedly in irritation. 'Can you assist me with this shelter, please?' he requests. She apologizes and leaves her board aside to help him, stealing a final glance at Charlie. The scene shifts to that night, as dusk descends. Leah settles on Josh's lap in front of their shelter. Apart from some torches flickering in the background, the camp is peaceful. The duo has half an hour to spare on 'watch duty' before they can retire. They engage in a discussion about their relationship, reminiscing their first encounter at his brother's bar mitzvah, the courage he mustered to ask her out on her 18th birthday, and their wedding plans. Josh embraces her closely and kisses her forehead as they converse. His affection for her is evident. Feeling conflicted, she attempts to voice her thoughts but retracts when she meets his gaze. 'Is everything ok?' He questions. She wishes she could feel the sense of safety, security, and love when looking at him, but she can't. 'What?' he asks again. 'Nothing,' she responds hastily. 'You're just - you're so incredible!' Josh smiles. 'Well, you know my love for you. I don't need to express it.' Leah shakes her head quickly. 'No, you don't. You never have to say it!' She leans in and plants a kiss on his lips. He reciprocates, and they share a passionate moment. Leah desperately tries to ignite some form of passion or thrill within her. She intensifies the kiss and begins to unfasten his shorts when Josh pulls away. 'Whoa, are you sure?' he enquires, looking around. She gives a quick nod. She knows she can't continue feeling this way. She yearns for the spark they shared when they first met. She doesn't want to cause him pain. 'Of course, I am. I want to make you feel good.' He expresses mild objections regarding their decision to wait until their wedding. She reassures him that it will only be a blowjob, something they've done multiple times but never in public. He grins shyly as she takes his hand, leading them away from the cluster of shelters. They arrive at a tree, and Leah pushes Josh against it. She kneels, undoes his shorts, and reveals his penis. It's exactly as it has always been. Circumcised - the only one she's ever seen. She takes it in her mouth and starts to give him a blowjob, desperate to feel SOMETHING for her